"Okay baby. Take care. Come home both of you. We miss you" Diya said and they hung up the call after bidding a bye.

"Next stop is Vedant Khoda" Drishti talked out loud.


"Hello dadi ma. You remember me? We met a few days ago" Drishti said as the old woman came and sat on the opposite couch.

Drishti had opted to go directly to VK's home instead of his office. And she had decided to play him at his own game.

If he used his grandmother to get back the island, Drishti has no remorse in using the same grandmother to save her island.

"Ofcourse I do, dear. You are Vihaan's daughter" the grandmother said with a smile.

They talked about each other's families for a while and after that Drishti brought up the topic of visit.

"Dadi ma. I came here to talk about something important" Drishti began

"What is it, child?" The older woman asked

"It's about the island. The one your husband sold to my father" Drishti said

"Tell me. What's the matter?"

"I have come to a decision about the island dadi. I want to hold up my father's promise. I wouldn't let him backaway from it" Drishti said

"Oh. You are intending to give the island back? Oh dear. That is not necessary." The older woman said

"I understand that the island holds a special place in all your hearts. It is very important to your family. I need you all to understand that the island holds as much importance to me and my family. It is where my parents fell in love again. It is where we became a family. I hope you will make VK understand too. I have taken a decision that would benefit both our families" Drishti said

"It is your good heart that has led you here child. Whatever you wish" the older woman said

"Is it possible to call VK home. As D Love is a personal matter, I would prefer to discuss it at your home, rather than in the office settings. That too in your presence" Drishti went in for the kill.

"Sure dear"


Vedant Khoda reached home within half an hour and his grandmother explained to him the generosity of Drishti Maheswari.

Vedant Khoda glared at the green eyed woman in front of him. He had never been one upped before like this. And this girl had used his own trick on him. The woman stared back at him smugly.

Lucky her, she is a woman. He thought gritting his teeth.

"So Mr Khoda? Are you ready to sign the deal?" Drishti asked

"This is rubbish. I do not agree to these terms and conditions" Vedant Khoda growled.

Drishti shrugged.

"Your wish. I honestly wanted to fulfil my father's promise. If you are not interested, we will leave it at that. It was nice meeting you both" Drishti said and made an act of getting up from the couch and getting ready to leave.

"Wait" the older woman spoke and then she turned to her grandson and continued "She is offering this out of her generosity Ved. Take it. Make everyone happy"

Vedant Khoda gritted his teeth and signed the contract papers, which Drishti had already brought with her.

"Okay then. I will take your leave" Drishti said

"Ved. Walk her to her car" the older woman ordered and he obliged, gritting his teeth.

This is the woman his legal advisor, advised him to get married to. Good that he never consider that opinion.

As soon as they were out of ear shot, Vedant fired at her.

"I told you to meet me at the office" the man growled

"No Mr Khoda. You didn't tell me to meet anywhere in particular. You said, I quote 'Save the words Mrs Maheswari. You know where to meet me'. So I decided where to meet you. Goodbye Mr Khoda" Drishti said and got into her car and left the place, with the sole purpose of planning how to win her husband back.


Here goes the next shot.

Next one would probably be the last chapter.

I want to thank you all for your support throughout my book.

I have been pretty lagging with the last few updates. But this is one book which I kept going.

I haven't started working on Mithran's book yet. I hope to start soon. And once I complete around fifteen drafts, I will start updating.

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Love ❤

Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now