|#23:the Awaited Event|

Start from the beginning

"WOW you really are a makeup artist" he was amazed on the results, even the boy was shock that he can merely do it.

He just giggled, letting the older to do his hair because he was tired on putting an effort to make-up his hyung.

there's a knocking sound on the door and Seokjin said 'come in', then the door creek opened.

the queen got herself in and look at his dear hoseok.

"i see that its already finished" she said and hoseok nodded bowing to be respectful.

"you look gorgeous darling" she commented and hoseok blushed, just like the make-up artist said he doesn't need any blush.

"i agree your highness" seokjin said and the queen looked at him then he realized that he too had a make-up in his face.

"you are too jin" the queen now commented on seokjin who was hiding his face and the boy giggled on it.

"t-thank you your highness"

"hm, you should wear your gown now"

"but the gown is not here-" then someone knocked and get the gown inside the room.

"hm the gown is here"

"yea" then the boy laughed, he looked at the gown and was amazed by it.

"you can wear it and check if you like it, darling"

"okay mom, thank you"

"it's nothing, well i gotta go and get ready also"

"okay mom see you later" the queen nodded then left.

seokjin was preparing the gown for hoseok to fit in, hoseok was looking at it.

He will look like Cinderella mixed with aurora,he will be a living misery.

"come hoseok put it on" then he walked towards seokjin and helped him to put in on.

"oh wait, you need this" he gave hoseok a panty, not just a simple panty. Its a lace panties, it's sexy.

"what is this?"

"you'll know it later on" he didn't question the older further he just walked to the bathroom and put it on.

when he's finished he got outside and Seokjin was waiting for him to try the gown itself.

He wore it, its honestly hard to put it on but when you put an effort to it you'll claim what's yours.

"do you want it tight?" soekjin asked, he honestly wanted it to be tight for the boy too see its glass figure.

"yes please"

"okay then, let me know if its too much yea?"


seokjin adjusted the waist line and hoseok shrink on it, seokjin was still adjusting it hearing a little whimper from the boy.

"oh sorry is it too much?"

"no no its fine, is it like that?"

"yea a little bit more adjust"

"okay go on"

then seokjin adjusted it once again, the boy squecheld at the sudden push but it was great.

when they're finished hoseok was really shook by the results, he was a real princess but is going to be the queen.

"omygad hoseok your so beautiful" soekjin said looking up and down at the younger.

the destined mate|sope ✔️Where stories live. Discover now