**Of memories and milk thievery (T)

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Of Memories and Milk Thievery

Words: 57,654
Rating: Teen+


"So you stole his milk."

"I borrowed it."

"So you're going to give it back?"

Remus took a sip from the mug of tea (with almond milk) that had been residing on the coaster, smacked his lips, and said, with a ridiculous air of casuality for a man who had oh so recently delved into thievery: "Nope."

or: Sirius and Remus have been divorced co-parents for four years, and they won't stop terrorising each other. Teddy is sixteen, midway through his GCSE's, and... well, he finds it all to be quite exasperating, really.

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*continues screaming*


I've read so many fanfics over the past year that sometimes the chemistry between the characters just isn't as powerful as it used to be. BUT THIS FIC, LET ME TELL YOU... there's so much chemistry between them and you can genuinely feel their love oozing out of the page. The way I described the feeling to my friend was like... it was like I was watching a video recording of their life, like the ones of the characters dead mother that they show at the start of cringey christmas films to show how happy everyone used to be. Yeah, just read it. It's so good.


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