Mission #1B: Escort sabotage

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Cry grinned as he stared at Peach. The boy was looking down in deep thought, and whenever he noticed Cry's stare, he'd immediately flush a bit and try to glare. To Cry, this only looked like a mad puppy, defenceless mad puppy.

"Sir!" One of the Eagles called. First turned his head at the sound.


"Estimated arrival, 10 minutes."

Gotcha." Cry took both machetes off his back and placed them before Peach. The blonde glanced at him suspiciously. First ignored him, obviously, and reached for the launcher hidden under the seats he was sitting on. Thalia stared at the gun surprised, it looked heavy but First seemed to take it as if it were the lightest thing in the world.

"Eagle two, contact Third and tell her we're attacking by front."

"Isn't that stupid?" Peach protested. First smiled under the mask and put the launcher on top of the machetes.

"How so Peach?"

"I'm sure the government has eyes ahead of the escort and probably has a whole platoon protecting it."

Cry smiled wider pulling his mask up just above his lips. Peach shut his mouth when he saw the dark smirk, had he said anything wrong? He wanted to prove himself innocent. Something he needed to take advantage of.

"You're interesting." First whispered reaching for his boot where he had a dagger. As much as people say he always looks like he's unarmed he had daggers everywhere hidden in his body. "You're not trained, you don't fight, you don't remember a thing of anything yet you know what the government's army positions are."

"I don't, it was just a supposition." Peach defended. Cry's smile widened.

"Your thoughts are right, Peach. But, there's the difference that those stupid bastards think we're gonna attack from the back like cowards. We've been enemies for ten years, how come they can't get this?" Cry stated popping his neck, "We are not cowards, unlike them, we go straight into danger and finish things off quickly."

"Wouldn't that risk the lives of your squad?" Peach asked frowning. He did not understand the leader's thinking. War was all about strategy, to think with a cold mind. To his eyes, they were running into this fight dressed in red, pleading for everyone to kill them.

"Besides, you're only like.. Six people, how could you attack?"

"Oh no, no, no, I won't risk their lives. They're not going to attack. At least not all of them." Peach seemed taken a back by this. "I attack by the front, my two men have my back and the rest of the squad will simply assist the rest of the squads scattered in the territory."

"Aren't you scared of dying? How can you trust them your life so easily?"

"Our strategy, dear newbie, is trust. They trust on each of their leaders and we trust on them. If they didn't trust an attacked upon their desires or judgment, they'd end up dead. They know this, they've seen it."

"Sir! Two minutes!"

"Eagles two and three, come in. Give me a full report." Cry ordered standing up.

"Third's squad is approaching! Squad Seventh isn't here and Second's squad are already at their hiding spot."

"Aren't they faster than me?" Cry laughed pointing at the machetes. Thalia picked them up and handed them to him. He thanked her and placed them on his back, whilst little Annie tried picking up the launcher.

"Oh no dear, don't touch that one. That is gonna stay right there."

"What if it triggers?" Peach asked.

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