Chapter 12

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Miku POV
Although Rin recovered from her illness, things were never really the same. Len became so much more protective of her. She seemed more fragile than before, even though she acted normally. None of that seemed to matter now, however.

Now everybody was busy and freaking out. The Sakura Festival was only a few days away. It seemed to loom over us these past few days, and I knew it wouldn't end until it was over. Sure, it was hard for everybody, but I think that I had it the hardest that year. I don't say that to sound petty, selfish, or stuck up in any way. I'm just telling the truth. Being the most famous Vocaloid, I had a lot of weight pressed down onto my shoulders. Everybody was expecting something amazing from me. The problem was, I didn't feel like I had anything amazing to give to them. If I could, I would give up my popularity. I don't want all of the game and responsibility. I know that it sounds selfish, considering how many others wanted my position so badly. But I didn't ask for this to be thrust on to me.

Enough with the gloomy stuff, though. Aside from me, everybody else seemed to be in high spirits, ready for the festival. The Vocaloid house was crazy. We were cranking out song after song, making decorations, cooking food, and trying on all of our costumes. Around this time, Luka and I usually spent late nights together, trying to come up with song lyrics or costume ideas and usually coming up with something ridiculous. It was always worth it though, to spend time with her. We were both usually very busy, me with my fame and Luka basically running the household.

Anyway, we were having one of those late nights I was just describing when a knock sounded at the door.
"You can't come in!" Luka and I both yelled in unison.
"But I brought ice cream," Kaito whined from outside the door.
Even though he couldn't see me, I stuck out my tongue at him. "Girls only, Kaito! Go do something. Stupid with Gakupo and Len like you usually do!"
Luka and I sat there for a minute waiting for a reply that never came. We assumed that he had, in fact, left to do stupid things with Gakupo and Len. It was confirmed when we heard loud thumping coming from the stairs. Afraid that somebody might have fallen or something, Luka and I both dashed out to the stairs.

What we found was a great example of boy's idiocy at its finest. Len, Gakupo, and Kaito had found sleeping bags and were rolling down the stairs in them. They seemed to be having a lot of fun, but all Luka and I saw was the chance that they would injure themselves and not be able to preform at the upcoming festival. "Hey! You three idiots!" Luka yelled, "Stop messing around and do something useful for once!" For good measure, I handed Luka a pillow, which she threw at them. Gakupo laughed and replied, "Calm down, you two. This is just to get our creative juices flowing! We'll do something 'useful' when we're done!"
"No you won't!" I retaliated. I knew them well enough to guess exactly what would happen. As soon as they got bored, they would either find another stupid thing to do or they would just fall asleep where they were.

Our civil argument continued a little longer, until somebody threw the pillow back up. It hit Luka straight in the face. Somebody gasped as she picked up the pillow. "You wanna go?" Rage filled her voice. It was actually kind of scary, and I swear she developed an evil aura at that moment.

A few minutes later, we were right in the middle of a full out pillow war. The war took place in a room we called the Commons, but really, it was just like your regular Living Room. Luka and I had made a fort on one side of the large room, while the guys had made theirs on the other side. They relentlessly pelted our teeny fort with pillows. If we didn't get help soon, our fort would collapse and it would all be over. "Miku, I need you to do something for me," Luka told me as she grabbed my hands. "You have to go get backup. Gather as many people as you can find. If you don't go, we'll lose for sure."
I looked back at Luka with a pained expression. "I can't leave you!" I whisper-yelled. "If I go, you'll be all alone, and outnumbered three to one."
Luka shook her head. "It's the only way, Miku. If you don't go, we'll both die anyway. Everything will have been for nothing."
I nodded and started to crawl out of the fort, but Luka stopped me. "Let me go first. I'll cover you was you leave."
Luka crawled out and got their attention while I ran.

My feet pounded down the halls as I ran toward the girls' bedrooms. I knocked heavily on the first door I came to, breathing heavily. Gumi answered the door. "Miku, what is it?" She asked, seeming surprised to see me in such a state. My hair was no longer in pigtails and my pajamas were all rumpled. "Gumi...We need you to help us..." I panted.
"Alright, what do you need?"

About a minute later, I had returned to the war zone with Gumi, Rin, and Lily. They were the only ones not doing anything, plus Lily brought Nerf guns. I saw Luka, just barely withstanding the attack she was under. Somehow, she had made a shield of pillows, but it wasn't going to last much longer. "Luka!" I called out. She turned her head towards me, just at the wrong time. "Watch out!" Rin yelled to her.

Luka reacted too late. A small blue pillow had hit her in the head and knocked her to the ground. I heard a cry of victory echo in the background, but that didn't matter now. "Luka!" I yelled her name as I ran to her. I cradled her body in my arms. "Luka, stay with me. Look, I've brought backup. Everything will be okay now!" Luka looked up at me, playing along with the 'death' scene I had fabricated. "Miku...I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to...keep the fort defended...we lost it to the enemy..."
I held her closer. "Luka, don't speak. We'll get you a medic, and everything will be okay."
Luka shook her head. "Its okay, Miku. I know that this end...I only wish...that I could've sung with you once more..." With that, she went completely limp in my arms. "Luka!!!" I screamed. I rested her limp body on the ground as gently was I could and stood to face the guys. "YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!" I yelled. "GIRLS, ATTACK!" And with that, the Pillow War started up once again.

Author's Note
Hi everybody! I know I haven't updated since last year, but that's because I had no ideas. I know I mentioned in earlier chapters that I had lots of ideas, but now they've all escaped me. I do have an idea for another Vocaloid fanfiction, though, which I will start up once I finish this one. I plan to finish this one sometime this week, perhaps even today. Thanks for reading, commenting, and voting. Please continue to do so!

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