Chapter One: When Niall Showed Up.

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Finally, it is over.
All week my parents would not shut up about how a family is finally moving in next door.
I didn't really think or care much about finally having neighbours, until they actually showed up that is.
My first impression about most of the Horan family is pretty good. The two parents seemed very kind and the younger daughter seemed very sweet. But, my thoughts on the teenage son was different. He was more than "pretty good." he was just, he was amazing. He had tattoos covering his very muscular arms and a shiny silver lip piercing.
When I finally stopped daydreaming about the boy next door I tried getting to sleep. But I couldn't no matter how tired I was. I couldn't stop
thinking about this guy. He was so, dreamy, and he would not talk to me ever I thought, because I am not dreamy at all.

Hello Everyone!
Thank you for reading the first chapter. xxoo

I know this was pretty short and not detailed but I assure you that once some action starts it won't be like that. xx

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