"....Yes. All of it. Because I always saw the best in you and your friendship but when I started realizing that my feelings for you grew.....it scared me and for a moment there, I thought that you even hated me when we fought that day." Duck explained as Ace, who was strung up by his emotions, immediately tightened his hug.

"No, I could never hate you so don't even say it. You're way too important for me to think about that. After you ran off that day, I couldn't stop blaming myself for hours and hours at a time without knowing if you're okay out there or not and for a moment there...I thought I lost you. I love you, okay?" Ace asked, feeling a bit shaken himself as Duck slowly lift his head up and locked eyes with Ace's in confusion.

"What?" Duck asked, puzzled.

Did he say.... Duck thought until he was interrupted from a sudden kiss to the lips.

The two then closed their eyes and embraced in their warmth as they held each other for a while there with small smiles lifting across their faces.


A couple minutes afterwards, they teleported back and saw that a swarming crowd was surrounding them quick.

The team decided to go first in expressing their relief for Duck's safe return.

"I knew you could do it. Welcome home, Duck." Lexi said first with a small fist punch to his shoulder.

"Thanks." Duck replied with a half smile.

"Rawr!" Slam yelled out, wanting his to be the next turn as he gave Duck a big hulk-size hug and squeezed him tight.

"Y...yeah Slam. I miss ya too, buddy." Duck said in a strained chocking voice until Slam released him.

"Man for a minute there, I'd thought that you'd be goner. But I'm glad to see that you're okay again." Rev said genuinely.

"Thanks and I'm sorry about attacking you guys earlier. Especially you. I didn't think that you would cross over like that in the hit. I hope I didn't injure you too badly." Duck said to Rev and Tech with a guilt expression on his face.

"We're cool. Don't worry about it. I've had the same experiences when Black Velvet used her mind manipulation powers on me several years back so there's no harm in this at all. I was just doing what my instincts were telling me." Tech explained as he turns to Rev with both smiling warmly at each other.

"Oh, speaking of manipulation, where is..." Duck was going to say until he sees that Sypher was awake in a distance and walks over to him with Ace nearby his side in case he has to involve himself in this scenario too.

As Sypher rubbed his head from his own headache, he looked up to see Duck and Ace standing in front of him and jumps in a panic.

"Ugh. Oh! Hey, Duck. I uh....I guess... I should have told you that I was going to rule the planet but I uh...." Sypher tried to explain, tongue twisted in his nervous thoughts until he was cut off when Duck begin to raise his fist high and punches him across the face.

"That's for turning me into a monster you jerk! I will personally make sure that you stay in prison for a very long time." Duck huffed in anger as Ace pays him on shoulder in support.

"Don't worry, he will. In fact, I think I might know just the place. Rev, would you kindly take this young gentlemen to the Warners Asylum? I have a feeling that he'd be much better acquainted in a straight jacket." Ace said with sly smile as Rev speeds up and nods his head in agreement.

"Yep! I sure can. Be right back." Rev said as he grab ahold of Sypher's arm and zooms him out of there.

Meanwhile, Duck sighs and walks over to Pinkster for their unresolved issue.

He started to say something until Pinkster decided to go first.

"I know I lied to you and I'm sorry that I tricked you into thinking otherwise. I hope you can forgive me." Pinkster Pig said with a guilty face as Duck nods his head and handshakes.

"Of course, that's what friends are for. We always forgive each other, even if we make mistakes sometimes. I'm just grateful that we're still friends despite everything." Duck said with a friendly smile which was all he needed to hear.

As Duck turns back around and walks over to Ace, he smiles brightly and gives him another a deepening kiss to the lips in a bliss.

Then while they had their moment, Rev came back in a flash and zoomed over to Tech.

"Took ya long enough. I thought I was going to have to sit there forever to see you here again." Tech said sarcastically.

"Well you don't have to wait any longer." Rev said as he leaned them in close and kissed him on the lips as well.

Lexi and Slam watched on as Lexi laughed and elbowed Slam in for a joke.

"Haha, i guess we'll be seeing 2 weddings. Am I right big guy?" Lexi joked as Slam looked at her , confused before giving her a hulk-size hug and smooched her on the lips too.

Might as well, since everyone else was doing it.

"Woah, I guess he'll be owing me a date then." Lexi laughed as their other allies join in on the laugh before talking amongst theirselves and decided to wait til they were ready to go.

Then Prince Tweetums attempted to torture his old foe for fun.

"Hey Puddycat, I was thinking, what do you say that maybe you and me could....." Prince Tweetum tried to ask in a tease until he was cut off.

"No way. No how, birdie. Go find someone else to play that game." Slyth Vester grouched which made the prince laugh in his misery.

"Hehe, just thinking of the possibilities that's all. How about a job instead as my right hand man at the palace?" Prince Tweetums offered, which seemed to lighten up Slyth Vester at the sound of money in business partnership.

"Deal." Slyth Vester agreed as the gang spent the remaining rest of their time there in their form of happiness.

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