Chapter 17

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The sudden presence of Prince Tweetums arriving back at his own Palace had completely silenced the area as everyone looked over at him and waited for his next words. 

Of course, while the prince loves to make an entrance for himself, his old enemy Sylth Vester, decides to speak up first about his arrival, with a sour look of unamusement. 

"Well, look who finally decided to show up out of the blue. Pretty bird." Sylth Vester mocked loudly as he crossed his arms in a distasteful manner. 

"Nice to see you too, puddy cat. How's the family business going?"  Prince Tweetums said, referring to his other old enemy, Queen Grannicus, with a teasing smile.  

"Oh, please. I've left that old hag a long time now and I've already given up the old grouse chasing. Now, I am retired and living the dream all by myself. That witch just wanted to use me so that she could rule this palace for herself and wasn't even going to share." Sylth Vester pouted in a childish way. 

"Aww, that's just an excuse for you to say that you missed me." Prince Tweetums said while perking up his face in a innocent way. 

"Don't get cutesy with me, furball. Just because I quit doesn't mean we're friends." Sylth Vester grumbled in a grouchy-like tone

"Ah but you see that's where you're wrong, we are friends. Admit it, you can't succeed without me." Prince Tweetums insisted at me. 

"Ha! In your dreams, small fry." Syth Vester said as the two continue to age on each other in their annoying bragging contest, until Lexi couldn't take it anymore. 

She was running out of patience fast. 

"Ugh" Lexi groaned in annoyance as she walked over to the prince so that he could stop stalling and rubbed her head from the annoying headache. 

"Okay, enough! Save the small talk for later. Right now, we need to know how far those guys took you and where is the jewel so that we can keep it safe. You only gave us riddles and we still don't have a single clue as to where you have taken it. Please, no more interruptions. You have to tell us now before it's too late." Lexi begged as the prince looked over at her for a moment and slowly changed to a serious expression. 

When he was kidnapped by Deuce and his minions a couple of hours ago, he knew then that the situation was getting to be more dire than he had presumed to be and not just because of their nearing plan to take over Planet Blanc.

But also, because his own friend and right-handed royal guard was in a deeper hole than he can imagine. 

He then looked over at Ace and spoke to him directly. 

"Ace, open up your weapon." Prince Tweetums instructed. 

"What?" Ace asked him, confused and had no idea what this was leading up to. 

"Just trust me" Prince Tweetums said as Ace took out his Guardian Strike Sword from his pocket, which was a powerful weapon that can be carried on the go in a tiny foldable compartment until its ready to be utilized and pushed its retractable button that allowed it to open up to its natural true form. 

Ace begin to immediately jolt in surprise. 

Unlike the last time that he had used it, which had only looked like a simple silver hook that glowed orange when in full use, the jewel inside it had allow for it to be exotically glowing in bright ruby red that shone like a sun. 

This made even the villains drop their jaw in shock over its shiny beauty. 

"Woah! Why didn't you tell me this sooner?" Ace asked, in a mixture of concern and puzzlement. 

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