Chapter 19

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When the two reached the surface, Ace immediately lay him down and checked for his pulse, but it was a unusually a little lower than normal.

Which alarmed him instantly as he desperately attempts to shake him awake.

The others quickly noticed and start to worry themselves.

"Duck! Duck! Can you hear me? Wake up!" Ace asked and waited, dreaded in fear for the worst.

His heart was racing speedily over those burning thoughts in his head and he even almost decided to try CPR until he finally hears a low groan from Duck.

"Ugh. My head." Duck said, his eyes barely opened but, enough for Ace to see that he was alright.

"*Sigh. Geez. Can't you give a guy a break? Don't scare me like that." Ace said with a sigh in relief as he helps him up to his feet.

"Wha..." Duck was going to ask but then suddenly remembers why and gasped.

"I...I did all of this?" Duck asked, severely shakily up and in a shocked state, as he looks over everyone including Ace and panics.

"Duck. Listen..." Ace tried to say before he was cut off.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I... I never mean for any of this to happen. I...I have to go." Duck said softly in a fret as he tries to leave.

"Duck wait!" Ace said quickly, not wanting him to run off from him again and reaches for Duck's hand.

And just like that, a sudden illuminating bright light glow over Duck's suit and ultimately transported them both to another area that is thankfully not far from the others.

After the teleportation, Duck stood still as tears welled up in his eyes.

"This is all my fault. I didn't want to hurt anybody and I let everyone down. I'm so sorry. Sorry. Sorry." Duck repeated in his trembling sobs, his face now running rapidly down with tears.

Ace then immediately grabbed Duck and hugged him tightly.

"Shh. It's okay Duck. It's not your fault. I should be the one to apologize. I hurt you and If it wasn't for my ignorance to your feelings, you wouldn't have left in the first place. The important thing is that you're safe and I'm just so glad that you're alright. I missed you so much." Ace said softly.

"....." Was all Duck responded as he starts to think about all of this while Ace held onto him longer.

He missed me that much, huh?

I guess....he really doesn't hate me.

But...what would the others think of me now?

I'm scared to answer that question.

Duck thought sadly as he lets the silence pass over between them until Ace spoke up.

"So, is it true? Are you in love with me?" Ace asked as Duck's face start to burn red fast.

"W...why does it matter how I feel?" Duck asked in a stutter, nervously.

"Because I need to know. I'm sorry for not seeing it sooner or talking about with you. honest....Was that the reason why you were getting distracted when we fought out the other bad guys back home or why you turned down the Prince's offer to stay in the palace and have him recreate my weapon with the jewel as a safekeeping?" Ace asked.

"How did you know..." Duck was going to ask until he was interrupted.

"Please, just tell me." Ace persisted which finally got Duck to respond to him.

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