"Hello, yes?"

He stood up from the sofa he was seated and walked away from the living room to answer the call.

It was his day off so he wondered why the office suddenly called him.

Kai stood up as well and sat right beside Taeyong to play with his daughter.

"Hey, my little princess," he said, reaching for the baby's hand.

Miyoung was smiling widely when he saw her father. Her little feet were kicking the air in excitement.

"Kai," the latter raised his head when his name was called to see the worried face of his husband.

Sehun walked towards them. "The office just called me and they need me there now," he explained.

"Oh, what's wrong?," Kai asked.

"There's some error in the proposal we supposed to submit and I need to be there right away," the younger replied.

Kai nodded his head. "Then you should go, I will be here to look after the kids," he said.

"But are you sure you will be okay looking after Miyoung today? I will be back a bit late," Sehun asked in concern.

Kai smiled reassuring. "I will be fine. Taeyong will be here as well so there is nothing to worry about," he stated.

Sehun sighed. "Okay, I will get ready now," he said before he walked away to get his stuffs.

Kai turned to look at the side where the boy was looking at him. He lifted his eyebrows in questioning.

"Why are you looking at me like that?," he asked.

Taeyong shrugged his shoulder. "Did you forget the time when mom left us with Miyoung to get something and we kinda almost called him to get home as soon as possible?," he reminded.

Kai chuckled awkwardly. He remembered about it.

It was just for a few while and the house was already in a mess when Miyoung started crying.

"I'm sure it will be fine this time. Trust me," he said, although he was in doubt.

Taeyong slowly nodded. He was unsure of it as well.

"I need to go now," Sehun rushed out of the room towards them. He was all ready with his work suit.

"Be good with your Dad," he said, pecking a kiss on Taeyong's cheek.

"I will be back as soon as I can," he leaned to kiss the little girl's chubby cheeks.

He turned to the husband. "Call me if you need anything," he smiled at him, pecking his lips.

With that, Sehun walked out of the house and went straightly into the car to his office.

Leaving the other two guys, staring at each other in silence. Figuring out what they should do next.

"So what do you want to do now, Taeyong?," Kai was the one breaking the silence between them. 

Taeyong shrugged his shoulder. "I guess you should think about it because...," he turned to look at the elder. "I promised Jaehyun and Mark to meet up," he smiled.

He then stood up, grabbing his bag on the sofa and his cellphone. 

"Wait, what? You can't possibly leave me alone here," the elder protested, looking so betrayed by that.

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