Chapter two

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I fall asleep dreaming of him orbiting around the sun like mercury, then me becoming the sun and him orbiting me. Why can't dreams be reality?

I awake feeling energized. I think I'm in love, I've never felt this way before. There's a buzz inside of me, knowing he thinks I'm beautiful. Knowing he wants to see me. Knowing he thinks about me. I want to look into his brown orbs and be close to him. What is his last name? I want it to be mine. What is a robot's life expectancy? I want to spend my whole life with him, I want him to hold me while I fall asleep each night. He has consumed every thought I have had since I spoke to him. The universe has brought us together and I couldn't be happier. I leave my house on cloud 9, skipping all the way to Bigweld industries. He's waiting outside. I stop skipping and walk up to him in a civilized, normal manner. The sheer sight of him leaves me gasping for air, he's like a ginormous glass marble glistening in the sunlight. His polished metal sparkles, I analyze every curve on his body. The way his neck dips, folds and overlaps. How his eyebrows curve so beautifully like slides. Gorgeous. In my eyes he has been shaped and carved to perfection by god. Like the song - he's just too good to be true, I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

He comes towards me and holds out his hand. "Come with me." I take his hand. In that moment I transcend into another dimension. Who would've thought that small action could affect me so much. From that moment forward I was his, and hopefully he was mine. He rolls slower than usual, so I can keep up. I often walk past Bigweld industries admiring the architecture of the building, maybe subconsciously I fell in love with the building not knowing it was modeled after Bigweld himself. He takes me up to his office, the room at the top of the building. We're alone, just us overlooking the city. I want to know his secrets. Nobody can reach us up here, anything could happen. Anything is possible. He rolls over to his chair, I wouldn't even call it a chair, it was a throne. Its curves fit his beautiful unique body, he slots right in. It was molded to perfection and hugs his curves. His mind starts to wander. No, I must be professional. For now. "Really great chair.." I say, running my fingers along the top. He's been inside of this. Tightly hugged by the metal... "I designed it," he says with a sly grin on his face. I feel as though he knows what he does to me. "Can I sit in it?" I ask

"Yes, of course." he puts his hands on my waist. I freeze. I look back at him as he lifts me into his bowl. His hands grip me firmly, not tightly. I'm aware of his strength. He could crush me like a fly, that excites me. I slip in, and glide down the slippery sides. I let myself be taken into the center by gravity. "Wow." I close my eyes, and stretch my arms out, running my hands down the sides of the bowl-like chair, feeling the smoothness. Silence fills the room , we both feel the tension. Who will make the first move? The silence isn't awkward, but comfortable and full of possibilities...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2022 ⏰

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