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Jasmine flinched as she watched Dracula go from relaxed and amused to stiff and serious and in control.
It called to something deep inside her. But she shoved it to the back of her mind as Dracula gripped the bars of the suspended cage and stared at her intensely.

"What did you say?" He asked slowly and softly.
Swallowing, Jasmine didn't hesitate to answer.
She'd taken a chance on telling him that, and she didn't know if this was the right thing to do but, she had to say something.

"You're about to go meet your Generals. Carmilla is going to appear and question your rule, and question why... Why you never turned Lisa into a vampire. After you talk to her in here, she's going to go to Isaac and Hector, your forgemasters. In the end she's going to betray you with her own soldiers. Also you should probably hide me and erase any form of my existence from your room. She'll probably question that as well. But yeah, she hates you and wants your Castle. So you should probably watch her." Jasmine explained.
Dracula stood up straight.

"And why would you tell me this human?" Jasmine flinched as he went back to calling her a human.
"Because..." She looked down, fiddling with her fingers.

"Because what human?" His tone was sharp. Jasmine flinched again, fear beginning to permeat her mind.
"B-because your story is sad to me. And it was wrong what happened to your wife. I know how shitty the church can be. But in my world science is understood to be a good thing. What the people here need to be is educated. But the church holds all the power here and they keep people stupid and fearful and superstitious. I'm not going to plead with you to spare the humans. That's not my place. These aren't my people. I'm assuming you already destroyed Wallachia. In my opinion, they deserve it. I..." Jasmine trailed off, frowning.

"You what?" Dracula prompted but he could tell by the confusion in her eyes that something was wrong.
Jasmine looked up, very clearly upset.
"I forgot what I was saying..." She said quietly.
Dracula sighed.

"How do you know that Carmilla will betray me?" He questioned.
Blinking, Jasmine answered.
"It's in the story. When I said I knew your story, I meant all of it. Not just a generalized story. However, no matter how much you torture me, or even if you kill me, I will not divulge any information if I feel you're going to use it in a terrible way." She raised her chin at the end in a sign of defiance.

"However I will tell you that the Bishop that ordered your wife's burning gets slurped like a milkshake by one of your night creatures. I personally believe he deserved more, buuttttt, unfortunately, he got the better deal, even in death." She piped in after a small awkward silence.

Dracula stepped back until he sank down into his high backed chair.
"Why are you telling me all this?" He murmured as he placed his face in his hands.
Jasmine winced, convinced she had took it too far.
But the truth couldn't hurt any more could it?

Sighing, and suddenly drained, Jasmine sat back, the blanket wrapped around her.

"I do genuinely care about you as a person. I'm also a little jealous of Lisa, because she has someone like you." Jasmine ducked her head again, but her expression was anything but shy. Instead it was mournful and full of longing.
"All my life I've just wanted someone to care for me like you and Lisa did for each other." She murmured, twisting the fabric of the blanket in her hands.

"I don't know if it was me or them, but nobody ever cared about me. Not the people who adopted me, not the people who wanted to "date" me. Not even friends. Nobody wanted me. Ironically, I'd lay down my life for a stranger but no one would do the same for me." Jasmine bit her lip to keep from crying. Already, her eyes were brimming with tears. She blinked them away and looked up at Dracula, who sat still in the chair looking at her over his hands.
They stared at each other before Jasmine smiled tiredly.

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