•|1|• The Corridor

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2 am. That was When Jasmine had finished watching Castlevania. As she sat there on her bed, staring at the ending page of the series, she cried. Big fat tears running down her cheeks as her heart squeezed in unexpected sorrow. The series had left her in a ruin. She hadn't thought that Trevor would die. Not so soon after being reunited with Alucard just minutes before.

"Come on Netflix! Did you really have to do that?!" She moaned out.
It made her heart hurt as she attempted to get herself under control. Sighing, Jasmine got up off of the bed and went into the kitchen, opening the fridge and taking out the small tub of chocolate ice cream. Grabbing a spoon, she got back into the bed and attempted to find something else to watch. Jasmine got a few episodes into a cartoon before giving up. Not being able to focus at all after that fucked up ending. She finished the ice cream and got up once again to throw the empty container away. Sniffling and washing her face, Jasmine got ready for bed. She yawned as she pulled the covers over her, the cry having exhausted her. She faded fast into sleep.


Saint Germain was desperate. So fucking desperate. Where was she? Where was the World he had last seen her in? It couldn't be gone. It just couldn't! As he stood there in the Infinite Corridor, scrolling through all the world's and dimensions, he felt infinitely more lost and infinitely more hopeless.
"Where is she?!" He asked aloud, desperation in every fibre of his being. One of his hands opened a Portal while he wasn't looking. And not realizing that he had opened it, Saint Germain moved on, looking for his lost lover. Not knowing how he was about to change his world forever.


Jasmine felt like she was falling. It may have been the out of body experience her mom kept telling her about, but this didn't feel like it. There was roaring in her ears, wind whipping her hair about her head, and lights danced over her eyelids. Slowly opening her eyes, Jasmine screamed as she realised she was falling through a tunnel of rainbow light. Twisting her body to see where she was going, she saw a Portal opening before her just a bit away. But she was falling fast. Her eye caught on a figure. What seemed to be... A man?! Jasmine reached out her arm, hoping to latch onto him as she screamed at him to help her. But her arms missed. The man looked at her, and as she fell, she looked at his face and realised who it was. And what was happening. Her breath caught in her throat as she fell into the portal.
With a scream, she thudded onto what appeared to be a hardwood floor. Gasping for breath from the pain, and the fear she felt falling, Jasmine didn't take the opportunity to look around. She was too preoccupied trying to stem the flow of tears from her eyes.

"And how exactly did a human manage to get a Portal into my castle?" Jasmine froze at that voice. For just as she recognized Saint Germain's appearance, Jasmine knew who this was as well. Considering he was one of her favourite characters from Castlevania. Sucking in a breath, she looked up, to see the tall frame of Dracula standing over her, glaring down at her lying on the floor like she was a bug.
"Oh fuck..." She murmured under her breath. Dracula picked her up by the scruff of her shirt.

"'Oh fuck' is correct human. Now, how did you get into my castle? Did the humans send you? Such hypocrisy to use magic to send you here when they decry it as witchcraft." His clawed grasp tightened in her shirt as his glare turned even deadlier. It was obvious that he was remembering how they burned his wife, Lisa Tepes, at the stake for witchcraft. Jasmine swallowed, not knowing how she was going to survive this situation.

"P-please, S-sir. No humans sent me. I was sleeping, before I fell through a Portal from the Infinite Corridor-" she choked as he tightened his grip on her throat.
"Do you think me a fool?! The Infinite Corridor is a myth! Who sent you?!" He growled.
"N-not a myth! Not a myth!" She choked out.
"I came through there... From my world..." Her eyes rolled back into her head.

"Yet you reek of magic?" Dracula loosened his hold on her throat slightly. Jasmine coughed, finally being able to breathe.
"From," she coughed. "From the Corridor...." She panted.
"I wouldn't lie to you.... Sir. I did fall... Fall from the Corridor..." Jasmine took a breath and leaned her head against the cool concrete of the wall.
Jasmine gasped as he released her and she dropped to the floor hard, crying out in pain, before looking up at him with tears in her eyes and a sob building in her throat.
"I don't... I don't know how I got here... Please... Please believe me."

Jasmine didn't know how to feel. For one, she was very afraid. Dracula was here, but he was about ready to kill her, no matter that he had released her from his grasp. The next emotion was excitement. Jasmine was here, in her favourite Animated show, meeting Dracula in the pixelated flesh. But holy fuck he looked so fucking ready to kill her. The two emotions classed inside of Jasmine, creating chaos in her mind as excitement and fear fought within her, causing her breath to quicken as she began to hyperventilate.

"Do you feel the fear setting in now little human?" Dracula crouched before her, smirking as Jasmine struggled for breath, her chest rapidly rising and falling.
"I can hear your heart beating so fast, as if it would beat out of your chest. Like a hummingbird." His hand encased her throat, feeling the rapid pulse of her heart. Jasmine looked at him, her last thought before passing out that he looked much better smirking than depressed as he had been before.


Drac didn't know how this girl got here, for she was a girl, barely a woman, but yet, her body, as he looked her over in her strange revealing clothes, was more than womanly. But he was curious enough that he had let her live for now. He needed answers from her before he killed her. But the curiosity of her sudden inexplicable presence intrigued him enough to want to know the full story. She said she came from a different world through the Infinite Corridor. He did think this was a myth, but the girl reeked of magic. But what really interested Drac, was that behind the slick sheen of fear in her eyes, was recognition and excitement. And that intrigued him.


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