•|2|• Questions

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Hi frens. Here is new chapter. Enjoy.


Jasmine shivered as the cold seeped into her bones. With a slight groan she reached for the covers to cover herself with. Jasmine frowned sleepily as she only felt hard cold metal under her finger tips. Then, the last few hours rushed back into her mind.
With a gasp, Jasmine shot up into a sitting position, looking around wildly. Her heart beat like a frightened rabbit in her chest as she found the pale skinned Vampire King sitting in a high back chair in front of the fire.
What seemed to be a goblet filled with blood swirled absently in his hand, as if he was thinking.
But thinking was he no more, because his eyes shifted to her just as she had jumped up into a sitting position.
Fear had Jasmine's pulse beating wildly in her neck, and it seemed as if Dracula's gaze was stuck there.

Jasmine hoped  desperately that he was curious enough to keep her alive for a little while.
Taking a calming breath, she sat up further and braced against the walls of the cage.
Of course she was in a guilded bird cage. The vampires did think that humans were animals after all.
Even though there was a fire roaring in the hearth, and the windows were closed, Jasmine still ended up shivering in the corner.
Dracula got up and went to what appeared to be a closet. He pulled out a blanket and walked towards her cage. The bars were wide enough that he could throw it at her through them.

Shivering, Jasmine wrapped the blanket around herself. By the time she'd settled into the corner, Dracula was back in his high backed chair, except he was now facing her, goblet swirling in his hand.

"Well, you're awake." His tone was expectant.

Jasmine took another breath.
"Yes. And you'll be expecting answers."

Leaning back in his chair, he braced his chin on his hand, looking at her intensely with a deceptively calm posture.
Jasmine could feel her cheeks getting hot as she kept looking at him. She couldn't help consider him handsome. Especially since he contributed genes to such a pretty halfling as Alucard.
Mentally shaking the thoughts from her head as Dracula raised an eyebrow, she began speaking.
There was absolutely no reason for Jasmine to be simping for Alucard or Dracula when her life was in mortal danger.

"Like I said before, I-I'm from a-another world. In m-my world, you're a story. We don't have things such as magic or flying castles, unfortunately," She ended humorously. Coughing awkwardly when Dracula only continued to stare at her.

"Sorry, umm, anyway, i-in my world-"

"You keep saying your world, but yet, I still don't believe that you aren't from this one." Dracula interrupted as he got up and circled her cage.

Jasmine frowned.
"Well, maybe if you'd let me finish, I could actually do that." She snapped unwittingly before realising what she said.
With a mortified gasp, her hands flew over her mouth, her wide eyes looking at Dracula who stood predator still in front of her.
The air was thick with tension as they stared at each other in the seconds following after. Jasmine felt as if her heart were about to beat out of her chest.

Did she just sass Dracula?

Holy fuck she was going to die.

But startlingly, Dracula shook his head and chuckled.
"You know, you remind me of my wife. She was just as forward as you were." With another chuckle he began circling her cage again.

"What is your name human?"

Blinking and unable to comprehend what just happened, Jasmine answered.
"Jasmine Herrera."

"And how old are you Jasmine Herrera?"

"25 years old."

"I see no ring on your finger. Have your parents not married you as yet?"

Jasmine shrugged.
"My parents died when I was a young girl. And besides, even if they were alive, it wouldn't be their decision whether to marry me off or not. My world is Modern, where both men and women have choice in who they wish to marry. Sex isn't as..." Jasmine trailed off and wrinkled her nose.

"Sex?" Dracula questioned.

Looking up, Jasmine spoke again.

"Huh? Yeah. Sex is the word we use for uhh, "knowing your spouse", I think that's how you old folks said it. Or, if you want to get technical, some people use sexual intercourse, intercourse, or coitus. But back to my original point. Sex isn't as, uhh, sacred? Is that the word? As people hundreds of years ago believed it was. For example, we have gay people, like, men who have sex with men, and women who have sex with women, or people who have sex with both genders, those are called bisexuals, meaning they fuck both-"

"Enough," Dracula said as he sat back in his chair. Jasmine snapped her mouth shut with a blush.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Was I rambling? I tend to do that a lot, sorry." She winced.

Dracula chuckled again, having not laughed this much since he met Lisa.

"Where are you from Jasmine?" He asked. He couldn't help but be intrigued with the young thing. She was 25, a baby in Vampire years.
Smiling hesitantly, she continued.

"W-well, as I've said before, I'm from another world, specifically from an area called Birmingham, in the country known as the United Kingdom, on the Continent of Europe. Though, if I think about it, we are on the continent of Europe right now. But yeah, that's where I'm from."

Before he could even draw in breath to ask another question, Jasmine continued.
"It's very modern in my world. I don't know if you'd like it there. We have electricity too, and it's used to power much technology. Like, we have these things called cars. They're like carriages but metal. We use oil to power it but some use electricity. And just like with your castle, the electricity also provides lights. And we use a lot of machines." She twirled a lock of hair between her fingers before looking back at him.
"Oh, I was rambling again, sorry." Jasmine flashed a nervous smile.

"You are a very intriguing young thing I must say." Dracula responded.
Jasmine blushed.
She'd been called a pretty young thing before, but that was unsolicited from assholes who just wanted to get into her pants.
This was a compliment on her as a person from someone she actually liked as a person.
Looking down, she held in a squeal of delight. But she missed Dracula scrutinizing her closely.
"Has no one ever complimented you?" He asked, catching her off guard.
Blinking, Jasmine looked up.

"Well yes, but majority times it was only so they could fuck me." She responded.
Dracula hummed in thought.
Jasmine looked down and smiled slightly.

Dracula, still watching her, noted it, but said nothing as he stood. This young woman had unerringly brought up his mood.
"I have to go meet my generals. We will continue this conversation soon Jasmine Herrera." He said. Why Dracula gave her all that information, he didn't know.
But then he watched her smile turn into panic.

"Wait! Before you go down there, there's something I have to tell you." She responded, gripping the bars and looking at him desperately.
Frowning, he stepped up to her cage.
"And what would that be?"

"Carmilla's gonna betray you when this is all over."

He stiffened.


This chapter was sorta random, but I hope you enjoy it.

-Misa ❤️

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