"I thought you weren't going to be here until later." Griffin was bent over the sink, splashing water onto his face repeatedly before finally looking up at Finn.

"Yeah, but I wasn't doing too hot at work so my mom let me leave." Dark circles lay like a storm under his eyes and Finn crossed his arms, his mouth forming a tight line as he examined how disheveled he looked.

"Are you okay?" He finally asked, recalling that he and Griffin weren't able to talk much during the week. Maybe something was going on and he didn't know because he had been keeping himself busy.

"Yeah...although I missed that cute face of yours." Although he was smiling, Finn could tell something was up so he awkwardly peeled his arms from each other and held them out for a hug. He refused to make eye contact, but he noticed a pout form on Griffin's face right as he went in for the hug. Finnley rubbed the taller boy's back gently, wondering why Griffin was reluctant to tell him what was wrong.

"Okay, you know you can tell me whatever it is right? I'm not heartless." Griffin released Finn, but didn't back up. His eyes were glazed over, as if someone had laid a sheet over them to dry.

"Yeah...I just, my dad's a very masculine guy and sometimes makes comments about me...I already don't have the greatest self-esteem so there are days where it really gets to me." His voice was so soft that Finn had a difficult time hearing him, naturally leaning closer and nodding to ensure Griffin knew he was listening.

"That probably sucks...but if it makes you feel any better, you're a really cool person and I honestly cannot figure out how you put up with me. I'm...I'm really glad we're friends." Griffin was smiling now, watching Finn uncomfortably stumble over his words in an attempt to comfort him. He was never good at comforting people, but he hoped the smile on Griffin's face meant his words worked at least a little bit.

"That does make me feel better, especially coming from such a brat." Finn could not believe what he was hearing. Griffin had used the word brat against him and he was becoming proud of the influence he had on his vocabulary.

"Well, let's start climbing then, loser. Or well, actually, should I be nicer today?" He realized that maybe his usual approach would make Griffin feel worse, but Griffin shook his head violently, chuckling at the suggestion.

"Absolutely not. You're cute when you call me names." Finn narrowed his eyes, almost wanting to add more spice to his usual banter...but he knew better. Griffin could only handle so much of his wrath, or at least, that's what he told himself.

The boys spent the rest of the two hours before everyone got there climbing walls and bickering, their usual flow filling the gym. It seemed that Griffin was feeling better, despite the obvious sleepiness in his demeanor. Maybe he had been feeling this way long enough for it to severely affect his sleep. Finn felt terrible for not checking up on him, but he also had to keep in mind that it wasn't his fault. Besides, Griffin told him all about his therapist's advice, which he'd apparently forgotten to take advantage of until then. Or if he was taking advantage of it, his emotions might have been too difficult to cope with, especially if he was feeling more alone than usual. He did mention that he spent several not really talking to people in a meaningful way while he was at work.

When everyone finally arrived, Sarah saw the two boys bantering as they climbed the walls and nearly made both of them slip with her abrupt teasing.

"Glad to see you love birds getting along." She was notorious for calling people couples or love birds if they were being competitive or arguing. As she put it, they sounded like an old married couple.

"Shut up!" Griffin only smiled, rather satisfied with the label she'd given them. Obviously it wasn't mutual because Finn stormed to the top of the rock wall, flinging his body around like he was a child on the playground with no regard for his health. He then gave everyone the friendly middle finger and climbed down, ready to give Sarah a piece of his mind. Griffin continued to climb like a sane person, chuckling at Finn's childish anger. Finn was aware that he seemed silly, but he could care less, she was going to feel his wrath whether she wanted to or not.

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