Slowly they took the steps up, growing closer and closer to the altar. As they climbed the stairs, Ko felt like she had almost begun falling. Her stomach felt like it was filled with helium and was trying to fly away. She shuddered slightly and wobbled around on her feet before Fischer managed to steady her.

She gave him a quick nod to let him know that she was alright and they continued up. The rest of the group watched from the base of the stairs as the two slowly reached the top. Once at the top, the metallic object was now in full view. Ko's slit pupils contracted even further as she laid eyes on the object. Her whole body started to tremble and shake as she stared at it.

The object sat neatly atop a small mound of sand. Its overall appearance resembled a medieval english lantern, but with a more technological look. The object was a rectangular shape, the top of it housed a small pyramid and what looked to be a handle protruded from the top. The middle of the object glowed a faint blue with small orange stripes lining the four edges. Strips of a hexagonal metallic material looped around in the very centre of the device. The same odd symbols on the walls of the room also lines the strips.

"Ko. . . is-is that?" Fischer stuttered.

"Light the lantern. . ." she whimpered as they both gazed at the device. The more she stared at it, the more it felt like it was calling her name, beckoning her. She almost couldn't resist its allure, like a moth to the flame.

Slowly she extended her arm and found herself taking small steps towards the device.

"Ko. . . please. . . please just be careful," Quin called from down the stairs. But her voice was drowned out by the white noise inside her head. Even Fischer's words were nothing but static and wind. 

"Light the lantern,"

"Light the lantern,"

"Light the lantern,"

The voice in her head grew louder and louder, more excitement filled it with every passing second. Ko's whole body was shaking and trembling as she reached out until-

Everything stopped.

The voices were gone. 

She opened her clenched eyes and saw her fingers gently touching the top of the device. She let out the breath she didn't even know she was holding in. Looking closer at the object she noticed the orange stripes on the sides had begun to glow a little brighter than before. Slowly she grasped the handle of the lantern and hoisted it out of its sandy enclosure. 

Fischer watched on with nervous eyes as she held the lantern in her hands. She stared down at it with initial confusion. But her expression quickly shifted from confusion to joy and she looked up at Fischer with a sparkle in her eyes and a smile on her face.

"Ko? Is. . . is everything ok?" He asked, puzzled at her sudden change in tone.

"They're. . . gone," she smiled.

Fischer cocked his head to the side and raised his brow. "What are gone?"

"The voices, the ones in my head. They're gone! I-I can't hear them anymore!" she beamed. Fischer slowly started to grin as he realised what she was saying, her heartwarming smile filling him with joy. 

"We did it," he grinned. 

The sound of footsteps rang out behind them and they turned to see the rest of the group all making their way up to them. 

"We got our girl back," Kori chuckled as he playfully slapped Ko on the shoulder. 

"She was never gone," Fischer stated as he gave her a humbling smile. She returned his expression with happiness in her eyes.

Everglow: The Trials Of Agaronजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें