Chapter 1 - Home Again

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"It is so good to be here," Susan commented as she and Greg walked into the farmhouse on Wednesday morning.

Greg never had time to answer. They were greeted immediately by Marion.

"Welcome home!" she said enthusiastically, wearing an enormous smile.

"Thank you," Greg said, only mildly surprised to see her there.

"Did you have a nice trip?"  Marion asked.

"Very, and highly successful too," Greg told her.

"Susan got the job," Marion guessed.

"Yes," Greg said proudly, "with an income and benefits with insurance paid for by her company too."

Marion grinned. "Richard will be so jealous. He's always saying we spend entirely too much for ours."

"He may be right," Greg agreed. "After studying the benefits package offered by Susan's company, I think we may be paying too much for a number of things."

"Well, my benefits package aside, I'm happy with the job I'll be doing," Susan said. "Marion, thank you so much for staying with the children. Were there any problems we should be aware of while we were away?"

"None, only the normal sort of childhood squabbles that I'm sure plague most households with families," Marion said.

"Jessie and Zackary were arguing?" Susan said, immediately jumping to conclusions. "That's not like them! Marion, I am so sorry ..."

"It was nothing! It was music to my ears to be honest. How wonderful to be subject to debates on the merits of Batman vs. Cookie Monster and the requirements for being a super hero," Marion told her. "It's so refreshing when compared to the debates around government issues or studio politics that typically pepper our dinner table."

Greg smiled. "Children are a joy and a blessing Marion. It is our pleasure to share a bit of that."

"Thank you for the privilege Greg, seriously," Marion said. "I'm sure you're eager to relax and unpack. Just let me get our things out of your bedroom and I'll get out of your hair for a while. I don't expect Richard back until about five."

"Is he coming here?" Susan asked.

"He plans to. We weren't sure what time you were getting home tonight, and as its Halloween, we knew how important it is for the kids to be able to go out. He was going to take them after supper tonight," Marion explained.

"Marion, unless you have something to do or someplace you'd rather be, you are welcome to stay," Greg offered. "Richard and I can both take them. I have a feeling they would love that."

"They would," Susan agreed.

"Oh, I don't know. Like I said, I don't want to be in your way," Marion insisted.

"You won't be," Greg assured her, "if you don't mind Susan and I unpacking and getting resettled that is."

"Of course not. Have you had lunch?" she checked.

"Not yet," Susan said. "Do we have anything in the house? Or do we need to shop?"

"There's salad left over from last night," Marion said. "And I think I can find some sandwich makings for Greg if he prefers."

"A salad sounds perfect, Marion," Greg said.

Marion smiled and she hurried up the stairs in front of them, passing them in the hallway upstairs with one of hers and Richard's bags. Greg helped her carry them back downstairs while Susan began to unpack theirs, putting some things away for the first time, into their new dresser drawers.

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