We both flinch when something heavy slams into a wall in the adjacent bedroom, and it seems like the entire room shakes along with it.

"Oh dear, again?" I let out a very unladylike whine.

Not for the first time, I curse Harry's soft heart that led to Asa crashing at our rented apartment. He could have easily gotten his own for our month-long stay in Tokyo, but according to H, bonding time with friends is important.

Too bad most of our bonding time equals listening to Asa having sex.

Unaware of my growing annoyance, Harry bops his head to the low, rhythmic thumping behind the wall. "You hear that? It sounds like…" he raises a single finger up before starting to lowly croon some old disco song. "Ah, ah, ah, ah, stayin' alive, stayin' alive–" 

I crack a smile at his antics. "Well, I really do hope he'll still be alive after this. Sounds rough."

The noise intensifies, and even the thick wall isn't enough to muffle a loud, feminine "Fuck me!" coming from the other room.

"I've been wondering," Harry muses out loud. "Why does she keep asking him to fuck her? He's clearly already doing it."

"Maybe he's not doing it well enough?" I suggest with a grin.

"Are we hearing the same sounds right now, darling?" Harry laughs. "S'like he's fuckin' her into a different universe or somethin'. Asa should start a class: How to make a woman wail like a banshee. I'd sign up."

I shake my head with a chuckle. H's bedroom skills definitely don't need any improvement.

As if reading my mind, he cheekily adds, "Now that I think about it, judging by how loud you were screaming last night, I don't need any classes." 

"Oh my gosh, H, you know what you truly need?" I ask in a fake, excited tone. "A manual on how to stop being an annoyance to everyone around you."

Harry pouts playfully, pretending to pull an imaginary arrow out of his heart. "You wound me."

"Shh," I hush him with a finger pressed to his lips. "Wait for it...." I trail off as the moans gradually grow louder. "Aaaand here it comes."

Our laughter gets drowned out by the wild screams on the other side, most of them courtesy of Asa's catch of the night although his voice is also present among the ruckus. 

The silence that follows feels blissful. 

"Well, safe to say I'm not having sex after that. I'm dry as the Sahara down there." Shame. H looks quite appetising in the mornings. And every other time of the day, really. "Coffee?"

"Sounds perfect," Harry murmurs. Leaning down, he leaves a soft kiss on my lips before pushing off the bed to throw some clothes on.

Now both fully dressed, we make our way to the kitchen where I start up the coffee machine while Harry absentmindedly scrolls through the notifications on his phone. All of a sudden, he groans.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Karaoke night. I completely forgot we promised to be there tonight," he explains.

"You mean you promised," I correct his false assumption that we're supposed to be tied to the hip, always. "As far as I remember, we are still two separate human beings."

"C'mon, love," he mutters in that low, gravelly tone of his. "They all expect you to be there. You're everyone's favourite!"

"They don't need me. They'll have Mr Rockstar, and you're the singer of the group anyway."

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