Chapter 3- Sinful thoughts

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 The next day

The morning started with usual annoying bells noise and Ajay had usual chaotic morning; with annoyance built inside of him he stepped down to the lower level and find Sushil; he had a hand towel hanging at the back of the neck; his body glistening with streak of sweats; "morning" Sushil greeted Ajay, "morning" Ajay replied back, not wanting to show Sushil his filthy thoughts.

 Ajay is a straight guy, or so he believes; he had few girlfriends in the past and yet he doesn't know why he is being pulled towards Sushil. Ajay was more frustrated because he wasn't being able to control his unsettled heart; "heading to college?" Sushil asked pouring the cold water on his head from the water bottle he was holding and by this time Ajay was feeling weak; he swore that he has never seen a perfect beauty like this. There were 100's and 1000's of lewd thoughts going in Ajay's head. "I am talking to you" Sushil asked again with a smirk and all Ajay could manage in response was gulp. "for a straight guy, you sure have your priority straight" Sushil said with a smirk noticing Ajay's dropped jaw. "what do you mean? Did Kabin said anything about me? How did you know that fag?" Ajay asked with annoyance. 

The word "fag" pierced through Sushil's heart, but he managed to smile, although bit taken back by how Ajay knew about him and Kabin. "what do you mean?" Sushil questioned, "I saw you two last night" Ajay replied and the colour from Sushil's face faded away, as if he was caught; "yeah, he is my friend" Sushil managed to reply, "why do you hang out with a fag? Don't you know any real men?" Ajay asked looking at Sushil; "a real man? What do you mean by real men? Just because a guy classify himself as gay doesn't necessarily means that he is not real men" Sushil defended his own kinds; "oh yeah, all they want is to get fucked in their ass, that's all they need" Ajay replied with a chuckle; "you know they can fuck pretty good as well, maybe you need to try once" Sushil whispered in Ajay's ear, sending a chill down his spine; almost being seduced with that low husky voice; "I am getting late" Ajay murmured gulping and headed off on his bike as Sushil stood there watching Ajay slowly disappearing from his view.

"I heard you hurt your knee yesterday" Sameer said looking at his friend with some concern; "how did you know?" Ajay asked; "a girl from your neighbourhood, or should I say your secret admirer?" Sameer replied, showing him an insta post from a random girl; the post was about a picture of Ajay falling on the ground last night; with a caption; "my love hurt his feet"; seeing that instantly brought a smile to Ajay's face; "is she hot?" Ajay asked curiously and began to drool over the girl's picture in her insta account; suddenly his own phone buzzed; he looked at it with a hint of anger, who the hell is annoying me in this precious time? Ajay thought to himself and unlocked his screen only to find a notification on his phone; Sushil has requested to follow you on Instagram; the notification said; Ajay couldn't stop himself from trying to stalk Sushil; he instantly approved his request and followed him back; within a second he got approved. Ajay began to scroll through Sushil's post and could do nothing but drool over his beauty and perfection. How can god make someone so perfect he thought to himself; He is tall, tanned, handsome, perfectly sculpted body and a charm to get anyone smitten under him; "who are you looking at?" Sameer asked curiously looking at his friend's phone, "no one" Ajay replied hastily and kept his phone inside of his pocket. Scared that he will get caught checking out a boy; a perfect man.

The day went as usual for Ajay; he did have few chances to bully Kabin, but he chose not to and left him alone; knowing he knew Sushil. Ajay was confused himself why he wanted to have this beautiful image of himself in front of Sushil, but he did know he wanted to impress him. Sameer himself was shocked when Ajay passed by Kabin and didn't took any effort to bully him. Seeing his friend's new self, Sameer was bit confused. "are you ok? Are you sick?" Sameer asked Ajay; "what do you mean?" Ajay asked with confusion, "we have passed by Kabin so many times today, but you didn't even bat an eye on him; are you finally accepting LGBTQ community?" Sameer asked with a smile; "who said anything about it; fags will always be fags; I am kind of bored of picking on him anyway" Ajay shared trying to defend his action, but little did his friend knew that he let Kabin go because of Sushil.

With an excitement build inside of him Ajay headed home, hoping to see Sushil again. The thought of just seeing his face was able to bring huge smile on Ajay; Ajay himself was confused and weirded out; "it's probably because he is a new friend" Ajay reassured himself, denying the real feelings he was feeling.

Ajay looked around as he parked his bike, hoping to catch a glimpse of Sushil but unfortunately, he noticed a big lock on Sushil's door; Ajay frowned, and his mood was instantly brought down. "what's wrong? Why long face?" Sheetal asked, handing Ajay bags of grocery to carry; "Where's Sushil?" he asked shamefully; "he had to go to the camp; he needs to give few tests to get in the British army" his mum replied. "you are getting close to Sushil, you guys only met last night" Sheetal said; walking into her home. Ajay himself was confused why he was so fond of a guy he just met yesterday.

"I will be in the room" Ajay informed and headed to his bedroom; he laid on the bed and began to question his sexuality; "I am a man, I am a man" he chanted the mantras and opened his phone; before his mind could react, Ajay's finger has pressed the insta story of Sushil; Sushil was wearing a plain black tee shirt but he still looked very tempting to Ajay; his biceps was naturally puffing out due to the tightness of the tee shirt around his arms; "Kabin, stop filming me" Sushil said grabbing the phone off someone else hand; the name Kabin was able to stir up Ajay's thoughts. He wanted to know why Sushil was with Kabin; why are they so close? Why are they together? The thought from the morning when Sushil whispered in Ajay's ear came into his mind; "they can fuck pretty good as well" is he banging Kabin? He thought to himself. A good-looking man like Sushil would never be gay; he is a real man; he is probably close to Kabin to get some; Ajay tried to reassure himself until he caught his own distressed face in the mirror. Why should I care? I don't give a shit about him or who he sleeps with; I am only thinking about him because he is new to this neighbourhood; he is renting our place. "I am a man, I like girls" Ajay repeated it again and again; to prove his manhood, Ajay locked himself in the room; plugged in the headphone to his phone and checked out his favourite porn sites; "it's probably because I haven't had it for so long, I am having this dirty thoughts" Ajay talked to himself.

Ajay flipped through the videos and randomly selected a video; probably because of the big breasts in the screen; he played the video and began to pleasure himself; with the noise of a girl moaning in the background, Ajay closed his eyes and began to play with himself; as he was about to reach his high all he could think about was Sushil's face; his sweaty body; Ajay imagined it was Sushil who was touching him and began to pump his hand up and down; pleasuring himself; "they fuck pretty good" he recalled those words, and re-felt the tingling sensation he felt that morning; "fuck" Ajay moaned thinking about Sushil, he began to imagine it was Sushil who was playing with his length; his mind were filled with filthy thoughts he would do to Sushil or he wished Sushil would do to him; with a streak of sweat forming on his head, he reached his high; he curled up his toes and swallowed his moan and bursted on his stomach. Ajay opened his eyes trying to catch his breath; he then remembered the sinful thoughts he just had while pleasuring himself.

Maybe because of the perfection of Sushil he wasn't able to keep him off his mind; Ajay thought to himself. He promised himself not to get close with Sushil. Afterall Sushil was messing up with Ajay's mind; he was stirring up his feelings and making Ajay question his own sexuality.

As the day passed by and the golden hour of the sun peaked through Ajay's window; Ajay heard the gate creaking noise; with a sudden excitement built inside of him he looked through and found his dad, Ajay frowned not seeing the person he expected, just when he was about to move away he heard his dad; "you are here, how was your exam?" with a smile spread on his face Ajay looked through the window again and found Sushil, with that same black tee shirt; his smile so contagious and his eyes covered with black ray ban sunnies; 'it was just an English test uncle; I think I did well but let's see" he shared with Amar; as they were both engaging in a conversation Sushil looked up and matched his eyes with Ajay; they both made an eye contact; one had a shameful look of being caught and the other had smirk of being looked at. Sushil was definitely enjoying this sight. Sushil is confident in his sexuality and he sure was able to read Ajay. Sushil thought he was doing all this, from getting Ajay's attention to teasing him just for fun but slowly and gradually he was letting his guard down and yet again he was falling for a straight man unknowingly.

For Sushil Ajay is someone with an ego bigger than anything and he was enjoying seeing Ajay's ego being shatter; Sushil knew Ajay classifies himself as a straight man and Sushil sure did loved messing up with his head, after all Ajay was not bad looking himself. The only sports Ajay did was play soccer and maybe because of his everyday soccer practice; his body sure was fit; not as bulky and defined six packs but sure was an eye candy for anyone. Ajay's hot temper, the panic attacks he gets when each time Sushil touch him was enough for Sushil to find Ajay cute. 

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