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'Even walls have ears!'

'Even walls have ears!'

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chapter seventeen

Darkness is wicked.

It waits for you around the corner to jump at you suddenly, waits for you to live so many happy moments that you convince yourselves that everything is going to be okay at last; and then suddenly, it engulfs you completely, unexpectedly, drowning you in the deep sea of darkness until you can't breathe.

Something similar was happening to every person who involved themselves with the Order, every person who is willing to fight for the good, every person who is determined to replace that darkness by the flame of happiness and peace.

Lord Voldemort's rise was something that people were not willing to accept, something which they had always feared, something that can change their lives forever in one way or another no matter who they are.

Those moments of happiness were still there, but it won't be long before they will be overpowered by darkness, and Alicia knew this very well, perhaps Lisa too knew, but not that a little tween could do much in that case.

But, Matthew Smith was some other case. His goal was to accomplish what he was sent for. He wasn't here to make friends or enjoy. And Alicia knew this very well. She knows that he is only willing to focus to help her on the assignment, exactly what he's sent for, but all the while also helping her get back what she lost, being the good childhood friend he is. And he proved his friendship yet again as he contacted her once again with some news about her 'silver-box', as he likes to call it.

"So, you are telling me that some local guy saw the police confiscate both the files, but as per the record they found only one." said Alicia, tentatively taking a sip of her firewhisky as she and Matthew discussed the issue, sitting in a deep corner of the empty Hog's Head Inn.

More than two months had passed since the 1st of September, reaching the mid of November and things were going normal as far, just the usual order meetings, excessively boring days at the Grimmauld Place considering how she had already found Lisa's father, who is very cluelessly studying in Hogwarts right now; and how she don't have anything else to do other than do the little bit work the Order assigned her.

The jolly atmosphere of the house was gone with the departure of the children and once again the Order members just came and went after the meetings, not bothering to stay put for quite some time or help the current inhabitants in the cleaning a little bit. Not that one could blame them, they were running extremely busy these days, given the increasing activities of the death eaters to attain the prophecy from the Hall of Prophecies.

"That one thing was the file that I've already given you, and the remaining two, meaning the file and that 'silver-box' are gone." shrugged Matthew as Alicia's shoulder slumped down in defeat.

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