"Lord Hightower the commander of our forces present in the Reach sent at least 5,000 men to the Shield Islands to stop the Greyjoys" Lord Randyll Tarly started where Mace left "So that brings his total fighting force 35,000 strong give or take".

"More than enough to kick Robb Stark from our home, last we heard the Stark forces attacking Reach is only 25,000 strong, Lord Hightower's forces will outnumber Robb Stark by 10,000 men" Mace said proudly before turning towards Tywin "My Lord Hand, let me write a letter to Lord Hightower, he will bring Robb Stark to heel".

Tyrion couldn't held his laughter anymore, so he laughed a loud humourless laughter.

Every set of eyes turned towards him. Lord Tyrell turned red with anger while the others especially Cersei and Randyll Tarly looked at him in disgust.

"Why are you laughing" Tywin asked calmly.

"Forgive me, but I found that quite hilarious" Tyrion said looking at Mace "Lord Tyrell every opponent Stark has faced has outnumbered him. My own father had outnumbered him two to one, and we all know what happened" He said causing Tywin and Kevan to shift a little awkwardly, no doubt still embarrassed about their defeat at Green Fork "Now what makes you think that Lord Hightower will be successful in defeating him in the field, where my father have failed".

"So what you want us to do" Mace asked angrily "You want us to do nothing while Stark burn my villages, loot my castles and kill my smallfolks".

"I never said that we do nothing" Tyrion said narrowing his eyes "I am urging you to avoid battle, there is no way in seven hells that Lord Hightower will defeat him in open field".

"You'll have to pardon me," answered Mace Tyrell "But I think you are overestimating Robb Stark too much, yes he has won a few battles, but his luck will run out soon".

"And You are underestimating him" Tyrion countered "And most importantly you underestimate the Northmen" he looked at Mace "Tell me lord Tyrell what is the biggest advantage of the Northern army".

Mace opened his mouth then closed it, thinking hard how to answer Tyrion's question.

The room was silent, as everyone tried to think Tyrion's question.

Lord Randyll Tarly, seeing that no one can answer, said "Their mobility".

Tyrion nodded in confirmation "Correct" he said " The Northern army is highly mobile, and can march large distances in a very short amount of time. Take an example, during Robert's Rebellion it took my father at least a month to march an army of 20,000 men from Casterly Rock to King's Landing, but it took Robb Stark and the Northmen only a single week to cover the same distance as my father's army, can you believe that, a single week" Tyrion commented "If Stark wants he can let Lord Hightower chase his army in a wild goose chase all along the Reach while he attacks key points and pick the Reach army apart one by one"

The council was silent, as everyone registered Tyrion's words before Tywin asked "What should we do?".

"Avoid battle" Tyrion said simply "Tell Lord Hightower to position his army and entrench themselves at Rose Road and Bitterbridge, cut Robb Stark's escape and trap him in The Reach, cut off his supplies and use a scorch Earth policy" He said "Without supplies and his escape route from Reach blocked, his army will quickly starve and start abandoning him".

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