Chapter 15. Three Months Ago-April

Start from the beginning

They were smaller than a fist, each set bearing the insignia of an attending Sect. It was made of two parts, a wooden disk with the insignia and a white painted back bearing the clouds of GusuLan.

So far, the Qing He Nie, Yao and Jin Sect had accepted the tokens, already wearing them attached to their uniform jacket. The party of Wen that had appeared at the gate seemed innocuous enough, but a cold dread had worked its way down Lan Xichen's spine.

The letter of invitation was presented by the oldest disciple, a surly boy of seventeen in the classic Wen red jacket. They were presented with the tokens depicting their clan symbol and the first disagreement began.

Lan Yinfeng was a senior and without doubt one of the calmest disciples of GusuLan. His face was impassive as he informed them that rejecting the token and not wearing it was against the regulations of the Academy. If committed they would be asked to leave.

  After a terse few minutes they accepted the carved token and Wei Ying readied his tablet. As they passed through the shield, that dread became foreboding but there was a muted flash of light, coinciding with their entrance.

"Activated. Tracking talismans are working." Nie Huaisang said sounding pleased. On the screen there were now six flashing red dots depicting the Wen disciples.

On screen the Yunmeng Jiang were coming up the path to the gates, pretending under the watchful gazes of everyone else, that they have never met most of the Lan disciples present. They were however, greeted warmly. They had after all been working for hours helping to set the system in place, building ties as allies.

The way they should be. The way Jin Guangshan had proven them to be, after showing them how little anything meant to him and the Wen sect.

As Wei Wuxian turned to those at the back of the room, A-Zhan swiveled with him as if pulled by an invisible string. His brother was so in love it was plain to see, even for those who didn't understand him. As everyone's attention was on them, Lan Xichen turned to look again at the screen and slipped his hand into Nie Huaisang's, who smiled up at him softly, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

They had not announced their relationship yet, not out of fear of reactions, although Lan Xichen was not looking forward to admitting to Nie Mingjue that he intended to propose marriage, as soon as enough time passed...but right now with the investigation, it would be foolish to paint yet another target on his tiger's back.

That and Nie Huaisang had said that he just wanted to enjoy this, them for a little while before everyone knew and the interrogations began. He openly admitted that he was nervous of GusuLan, the Lan family like Uncle, even A-Zhan thinking him a poor match. Tabloids would get hold of the info as they had done with Jiang Cheng and his girlfriend, everyone asking about the geographic distance and who would be moving where.

They were not ready for that. They needed to plan this out. Lan Xichen needed to find away to convince Nie Huaisang that his family would like him as his partner, had barely got him to agree that long distance would work. So, for now this was their little world.

"Tonight?" Lan Xichen asked quietly enough only his fierce little tiger heard him.

The smile he received was bright, eyes glittering beautifully. "For dinner?"

"Just for two." Lan Xichen whispered back.

"I'll be there." Nie Huaisang whispered back sweetly, then said more loudly, "This will remain active for the duration of their stay and indicate if they leave them behind somewhere."

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