Me, Kaede? Dating?! Never!!

712 11 4

I woke up and got out of bed and got ready for school. Once i had finished i grabbed my lunch and stuffed it in my backpack, and ran to school.

"Shit! I'm late!"

I ran to school and saw Ouma, one of my only friends.
Ouma waved at me as i ran into him.

"O- Ow!" Ouma yelped.
"S- Sorry Ouma-!" I apologized, immediately getting off him.

"Its okay!" Kokichi said.
"Also, Shuichi you have eye-bags, and you look half asleep- are you alright?" 
"Yeah.. i stayed up late on my phone.. i lost track of time and-"

The bell had rang and students brushed past me.
"Oh shoot! Sorry Shuichi, we'll have to talk about that later- i don't wanna be late for class!" Ouma dashed into the school.
Before i could even take a single step i hear a familiar voice.
"Hi Shu~!"
I hate when she calls me that. I thought.
I turned around to see Kaede.
"What do you want?" I said, in a clearly annoyed tone.

"Well, i wanted to see if you'd like to hangout with me..!" Kaede said cheerfully.
The piano lunatic wants to hangout with me? Pfft, not a chance.
"No Kaede, i've got class." I turned away from her and started walking into the school, not letting her finish.

Geez, Kaede's so annoying ALLLL the time. She's like a fourth grader.

Shuichi turned down a opportunity to spend the day with me? The hottest and most popular girl of the school? Ugh, what a bully. :(
I quickly ran in my class with luckily was with Shuichi and sat down behind him.

Shuichi was giving me glares. Annoyed ones too.
I was able to see over his shoulder, since i was slightly taller than him and i saw him drawing Kyoko Kirigiri on the back of his notepad.

"Hey, why are you so obsessed with Kyoko Kirigiri?" I whispered to him.
He ignored me.
"Wow, rude." I sighed. And picked up my pencil and started writing.

After class we had 3 other classes which were uneventful, however after was lunch, where i sat with Kokichi.
"Hi Kokichi!" I said in a cheerful tone.

"H- Hi Kaede.." he said, inching away from me.
"Whats wrong?" I asked.
Why is he moving away from me? Did i do something..?
"Aren't you going to kick me on the ground and start punching me or s- something?" Kokichi sighed.

"What? Of course not!"
How could he think i'd do such a thing? I only do that to people who are rude, not pushovers.
Kokichi stayed where he was, but i didn't wanna push him over his limits if he didn't want to be near me.

"You know, theres a new girl coming here tomorrow." Kokichi told me.
:o a new girl? Sounds exciting!
Maybe i could try and befriend her!

I had sat alone for lunch, but i was thinking about Kaede, although i hated her she always gave me butterflies when i was around her... i can't help it but i do kind of love her-
N- No! Snap out of it Shuichi, despite you kind of liking it when she calls you Shu, or Sweetheart- you do NOT like her.
Shes manipulative, mean, overly flirty and a spoiled brat.
These lies kept repeating itself in my brain. one half of me liking her but one half not, it was so confusing...

I laid in bed on my phone. I was chatting with Ouma until he went to bed.
I looked over at the clock in my room.
It was around 4:30 in the morning.
"Fuck! Not again!" I put my phone on the nightstand and turned off the lights in my room, and quickly went to bed.
(647 words)

Love Potion (PG SAIMATSU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang