・ Settling in ・

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You woke up, your dad shutting off the car.

"Hey kiddo, you awake?" he said, looking in the backseat at you.

You were laying across the seat, half awake.

"Yeah I'm up..." you said, sitting up, stretching and yawning, your back sore from being cramped up in the back seat with a few bags and a couple of boxes for hours.

"How about you go inside and check out the apartment, I'll get the stuff we need out of the backseat" your dad said, patting the seat before unbuckling.

"Alright.." you mumbled, getting out of the car and stretching, grabbing the apartment keys from your dad and tiredly shuffling inside.

You read the number on the tag, it read the numbers 404.

"Good thing theres an elevator." you thought to yourself.

You clicked the up button, waiting for the elevator doors to open, tapping your foot.

When the doors opened, it smelled musty, a few dead flies were stuck in the lights while a moth constantly bumped into the lights, the light flickering slightly.

"Not so bad.." you muttered, walking into the elevator, pressing the button that read 4

The elevator had a slight shake to it, making you jump a little when it shook.

The doors opened.

You looked around, the first thing to catch you eye was a door with caution tape, the door looking destroyed, hanging off the hinges, making you a little curious since you had a thing for true crime and horror.

You couldn't help but take a little peek, standing on your tippy toes, then crouching trying to see, carefully moving the caution tape, looking around.

You heard the elevator ding.

"That fast..?" you thought, quickly jogging away from the door, running to 404, fumbling the keys out of your pocket.

You saw a buff looking police man step out of the elevator, he gave you a annoyed glance as he stood by the crime scene, keeping a watch.

You finally unlocked the door, looking around in the dark, small room.

"This isn't as bad as I thought it was." you said, raising an eyebrow and walking into the kitchen, flipping on a light switch, something, maybe someone? It didn't matter, a dark shadowy figure vanished out of the corner of your eye, causing you to turn, looking around cautiously.

"Dad? Hello..?" you said, trying not to be very loud.

You got no response, just the quiet hum of the refrigerator.

"Must've hallucinated, I am super tired.." you mumbled, trying to forget what you just saw.

You heard a faint knock on the door, assuming it was your dad, you walked over to the door, opening it.

"Hey, mind giving me a hand?" your dad said, bags and boxes in his arms, trying to keep them all balanced.

"Oh right!"you quickly grabbed some stuff, sitting it down on the floor.

"I'll set up the air mattress, it's late, and hopefully the movers come tomorrow if we are lucky" your dad said, smiling and walking away to the boxes, scratching his head.

"I wonder what box I put it in.." he mumbled, opening a few boxes, a few seconds later finding the air mattress.

You couldn't help but think about all your stuff, your posters, your CDs, your horror movies, it was boring without having a horror movie to watch, not to mention the fact your phone was dead and you left your charger in the car, you could just get it tomorrow morning, you were tired.

~ 𝓚𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓬𝓪𝓻𝓼 ~ reader x sal fisher💕Where stories live. Discover now