Chapter 4: The Students of Class D

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In our next class, we spend most of the time running over the course objective.

Most of our class were happy with the points they got, even the teacher didn't scold anyone even if they were talking, sleeping, or even using their phones during the class. When lunch break came, most of the students started heading to the cafeteria, disappearing from my view. I couldn't help but feel slightly envious as I watched them. Unfortunately, I hadn't been able to befriend a single of my classmates.

"How pathetic."

Only one person felt my pain, and she met my pain with derisive laughter.

"What? What's pathetic?" I asked.

"'I want someone to invite me along. I want to eat with someone.' Your thoughts are like an open book."

She is an esper, isn't she?

"Yes, I am"

"W-What?" I panicked

Did she read my mind...

"You were just thought 'she's esper', right?"

How can you know that, Horikita?

She sighed. "Why are talking to me with telepathy now?"

But if we can talk like this, doesn't it mean we can communicate without even speaking?

"Hey, Ayanokouji-kun. Would you prefer to regret while you suffer or regret while you despair? Which would you like more?" she said while pointing her compass towards me.

"I was just joking, Horikita." Horikita glared at me.

She really will stab me. Actually, she did before once.

"But, don't you think we became close, like friends, since we can understand each other without speaking"

"Oh! Then can you tell me what am I thinking now?" she again glared at me.

"Yes, ma'am. I will stop talking nonsense." I lowered my head in defeat.

"Well, I was thinking of heading to the cafeteria. Anyone wants to come with me" announced Hirata as he stood. 

I'd been waiting for a savior to bestow a chance like this to me.

Yes, Hirata. I will go with you.

I slowly tried to raise my hand, and...

"I'll go, too"

"Me, too! Me, too!"

Girls gather around Hirata one after another, and I lowered my hand. This could have been my chance to make friends with Hirata!

You don't need to jump all over him for lunch just because he's kind of handsome!

"How tragic."

"Don't just go and read my mind," I muttered.

If I say it loud she will stab me again. Just then pain surged through my right arm.

"Ouch! Ouch! What was that for?" I asked.

"It just felt like you were badmouthing me."

Don't go stabbing people, even if it's true...

"How can I badmouth someone like you, who is so cute and beautiful." I tried to change the topic.

Her face flushed while she instinctively averted her eyes. Now, now, Horikita. I have successfully understood how to counter you.

"W-Well then," Horikita said while departing the classroom, leaving me alone.

Sigh. And now I was going to invite her to eat lunch with me. Well, let's leave for some time else.

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