Happy Ever After

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*1 month later*

Everything is going well with the twins and me and Mason have just been doing a bit more wedding planning.

I woke up with Mason not there remembering it's our wedding day and I'm as happy as I ever could be. I woke up at around 9am and took a deep breath before getting ready for the biggest day of my life. Kate, Sasha and Dec's new girl Lauren came into my room and laid next to me. They all looked into my eyes

"Oh guys I'm so nervous" I told them

"You'll be fine, you're gonna look amazing and Mason is deeply in love with you so i doubt anything bad will happen" Kate reassured me

"Kate's right Elle, you need to stop stressing so we can get breakfast and then get ready for an awesome day yet to come and no doubt it'll be the best wedding I ever go to knowing you and all your party tricks" Sasha smiled

"Aw I love you guys honestly I do, now let's go get the twins and go for breakfast" I told the girls

We went into the twins room and I got Harley and Kate got Charlie while Lauren and Sasha made their way downstairs and started breakfast. We got downstairs and I changed the twins' nappies and put their bibs on them and made my way into the kitchen and breakfast was almost done. I put the twins in their highchairs and then made their milk. After I made the milk, breakfast was ready so I ate with the girls while their bottles cooled down.

"So Sash, when do you think Jack will propose?" Lauren asked

"Honestly I don't know probably after the baby" Sasha replied

"I can't wait to meet yours twos bundles of joys" I said to Kate and Sasha

"I know I've only just got with Dec but I really want a child" Lauren told us

"Why don't you get a dog to keep you company while you wait?" Kate suggested

"Ooo good idea" Lauren replied

We finished eating breakfast and I fed Charlie while Sasha fed Harley. After we fed the boys we gave them a bath and washed their hair. The girls then looked after them and put them in some clothes while I got a shower. The adrenaline was kicking in, I started to get nervous while in the shower all I could think about was the time Mason cheated on me but all the times we had made love in the shower was overpowering them. After washing my hair and body then shaving I got out of the shower and dried myself off, I got into some clothes quickly and got ready to go to the hairdressers. The girls quickly got ready as I got myself and the boys ready to go. At around 10:30am we set off to go to the hairdressers. We got there and one by one we got our hair done. We got our hair finished at around 12pm and then we headed over to the beauty salon. We then got our makeup done and made our way home.

"It's nearly time" Kate said excitedly

I looked at her and she had a massive grin on her face which made me smile. We finally got home and had a sandwich and then I fed the twins again and then I helped the girls get their dresses on. Then they helped me get mine on and oh my god it looked fabulous

"Oh my god Elle look at you, you're gorgeous" Sasha gasped

"That's my baby sister right there" Kate said

"Wow Elle you look amazing, I'm so jealous" Lauren told me

"Awww girls you are so sweet, I love you all now can we get the boys in their little suits please?" I asked

"Yeah" They all replied

We put the boys in the suits and then it was time to go to the reception. I got in the car with the girls and we started to drive there. After 15 minutes we were there and nearly everyone had gone in. I took a deep breath and got out of the car. I gave the girls a hug and we then made our way to the front door. The vicar came out and had a chat with us about how it'll go and asked if we were ready. She then went back inside and I heard the music start playing and the rustling of everyone standing up. The doors then opened and the Lauren went first, a few seconds later Sasha went in with Charlie and then Kate went in with Harley. My dad grabbed my hand tightly and then we went in. Everyone gasped when they saw me. I finally got to the front and my dad squeezed my hand one last time and then let go as I made my way to Mase. Everyone then seated and we went onto our vows.

"Repeat after me Mason" The vicar said "I call upon"

"I call upon" Mason repeated

"These persons here present"

"These persons here present"

"To witness that I"

"To witness that I"

"Mason Tony Mount"

"Mason Tony Mount"

"Do take thee"

"Do take thee"

"Elle Goodland"

"Elle Goodland"

"To be my lawfully wedded wife"

"To be my lawfully wedded wife"

"Repeat after me Elle" The vicar said "I call upon"

"I call upon" I repeated

"These persons here present"

"These persons here present"

"To witness that I"

"To witness that I"

"Elle Goodland"

"Elle Goodland"

"Do take thee"

"Do take thee"

"Mason Tony Mount"

"Mason Tony Mount"

"To be my lawfully wedded husband"

"To be my lawfully wedded husband"

Me and Mason had finished our vows and no one had declared a reason why me or Mase should not get married.

"So Elle and Mason, you have both made the declarations which are prescribed by law, you have symbolized your marriage by exchanging wedding rings with each other, you are now husband and wife you can now exchange your marriage with a kiss"

Me and Mason gave each other a kiss. We made our way out and to the after party and had a good night which lasted what felt forever.

𝙼𝚢𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚢 // 𝙼𝚊𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝙼𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝♡︎Where stories live. Discover now