7 months

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*around a month later*

*Me and Mason are just doing the nurseries up and finishing the holiday home for a month*

I wake up at around 10:30am and go downstairs to Kate and Harry in my kitchen making breakfast for me and Mase

"oh hello, what's this then?" I said shocked

"A break for you" Kate said

"A break?" I said confused

"Yes, you're up every morning making breakfast for you and Mase, you are then out all day sorting the nurseries out and doing the holiday home while Mason is at training. You need to relax today and it's 7 months! 2 more months until these cute nephews of mine are out" She smiled and then proceeded to hug me

"It's true Elle you're doing amazing things by yourself and you shouldn't have to do all of this so me and Kate are going to buy anything you want for the nurseries and me and the boys are going to build everything while you and Mase have a romantic date tonight and Kate will have something set up for you when you are finished" Harry told me

"aww guys you really didn't have to but thank you" I smiled at them as my eyes teared up

"It's time for me too look after you for a bit, and don't say no" Kate said

"No" I strictly demanded

I said don't say no, didn't I say dont say no Harry?" Kate said

"She did say dont say no" Harry added

"tough I said no and still do, it's my job to look after me, Mase, the upcoming twins and the houses I don't need you to do it"

"ye ye whatever I'm still doing it" Kate said

"Well, is it nearly ready then?" I asked

"Yep I just need to plate it up now" Kate smiled

"Oh good, I'll go get Mason" I said

I go upstairs and wake Mason up.

"Mase, wake up baby. Kate and Harry have made us breakfast" I said softly

"Kate and Harry?" He said confused, "What are they doing here?"

"They said they are looking after us as I do so much and we are always busy" I said to him "I don't know why they are doing it"

"Oh right, fair enough, let me get some clothes on" Mason got out of bed and put on some joggers and a top. We then head downstairs. We sat at the breakfast bar and Kate had set everything up and got us a drink. We eat our breakfast and are just chatting.

"7 months today baby" Mason said excitedly

"I know it's gone too fast, they will be here before you know it. But Kate and Harry are 5 months in!"

"I'm so excited" Kate said grinning

"I'm so nervous but I'm so excited" Harry said

"You'll be fine lad" Mase said

Harry smiles at Mason "if you can do it, I can"

"Anyways I'm going to get ready for my scan, you coming Mase?" I said

"Yeah I'll come, one minute"

"Hurry up then" I said while walking upstairs

2 minutes later Mason comes running up to me and lifts me up and spins me around. We get ready and go downstairs, say bye to Kate and Harry as they are cleaning everything up and then make our way to the car to go to the doctors. We get there after 10 minutes and wait for my name to be called.

𝙼𝚢𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚢 // 𝙼𝚊𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝙼𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝♡︎Where stories live. Discover now