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"Here, have a small taste of both worlds..."

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Name: Eli HarperAge: 16Reason of arrival: Kidnapped and murdered

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Name: Eli Harper
Age: 16
Reason of arrival: Kidnapped and murdered

Eli is what his friends in Flockya refer to as "the perfect balance". He is a unique child of darkness that has light deep within his soul, but still holds darkness that he can control and use to his favor. He's always had the idea that resolve can lead you to success, and that is what has led him to where he is right now. He's also the only child of Light that could somehow remember his last name from his past life.

Eli has always been a nice guy, but he also has his boundaries. He knows the difference between right and wrong, and that has always guided him through the right path. He is also capable of being a leader if needs to take control of situations, giving him the ability of fixing problems on his own or with other people, yet with his decisions. He can be aggressive when he needs to by activating his dark mode, which only enables itself when his soul allows him to engage. He usually refers to himself as Dark Eli when he is in that state, but only he knows that. He's always been confident of who he is, not being afraid of anything or anyone. But when it comes to love, he's always been really shy, giving him a special touch of innocence and sincerity.

His parents broke into tears when their child was kidnapped, and they sobbed even more when they were notified that his death was confirmed. Thankfully, the horrible man that committed the murder paid for his actions, but people that used to be around Eli often say that the world isn't the same without him. Eli doesn't remember this, so he just enjoys life where he is along with her friends and girlfriend.

 Eli doesn't remember this, so he just enjoys life where he is along with her friends and girlfriend

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Eli after switching capes with Skye

Eli after switching capes with Skye

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Eli in his dark mode (Dark Eli)

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