chapter forty-seven

Start from the beginning

"I know what I saw," She insisted and he genuinely tried to think back to what girl she could possibly be talking about, The only thing he really remembered from that night was chasing after her. After he replayed the night in his mind, the realization hit him like a ton of bricks when it finally registered that she was talking about Destiny.

"You talking 'bout Destiny? Lo, she has a damn girlfriend. Why would I be flirting with her?"

Lourdes was silent, taking this in while Rashir sighed, taking a seat on the bed. The screaming match wasn't getting them anywhere and he was getting frustrated. He just needed her to listen to what he was saying but she was automatically on defense, not really hearing what he was saying.

"Oh," She let out quietly, still staying in the corner, looking down at the floor while he stared at her. Her anger was beginning to fizzle out and she was upset again. She felt defeated and stupid. She'd let her assumptions control her emotions and she ended up being loud and wrong.

"Rashir?" She said quietly.


"Did you miss being single? Is that why you broke up with me?"

"You know that's not true," Rashir sighed.

"Then why?" She asked, genuinely sounding broken and he felt horrible.

"Lo, come here man," He beckoned her over and she hesitantly walked over to him, but he ended up reaching out and pulling her onto his lap, surprising her. "I love you and you know that, but you don't ever tell me shit. You can't keep all the shit you feeling inside of you and not tell anyone, that shit ain't healthy. I get that sometimes you don't wanna talk and that's fine, but eventually you gon' have to get it all out there. Instead of telling me what's going on, you get drunk to deal wit' it and that's not okay. I wanna be there for you and help you, but I can't help you if I'on know what's going on," He finished softly.

Lourdes didn't reply, taking a moment to let everything that he was telling her sink in. Deep down, she knew what he was saying was true, she just didn't want to admit it.

"You still haven't told me everything 'bout yo' past and that's okay Lo, but you keeping secrets now, and that's not," He finished, grabbing her chin so she could look him in the eyes since she'd been avoiding eye contact, "You get me?" He asked.

"Yeah," She mumbled, "I'm sorry Rashir, you know how hard it is for me to tell other people what I'm going through. I'm used to just dealing with it myself, I feel like I'm burdening you if I ask you for help or rant to you about it,"

"Lo, I'm yo' damn boyfriend. How would you be burdening me with something? You know I would drop everything to help you, don't ever be afraid to ask me for shit," He said firmly. When she didn't respond he nudged her, making sure she understood what he was saying. "You heard me?"

"Yeah I heard you," She nodded.

"Aight good. We cool now? I missed you,"

"I missed you too," She smiled.

"You gon' stop giving me that lil' fake attitude now?" He asked and she laughed, covering her face. "You a mean ass lil' girl, you know that? Had me ready to cry and shit,"

"It's not my fault!"


"You were mean first," She poked his chest and he chuckled.

"You know, we not officially not back together yet," He said.

"Why not?"

"You gotta seal sumn like that wit' a kiss," He said with a dumb smirk on his face, but she chose to play along.

"Oh really?" She raised her eyebrows and he nodded while staring at her lips. "I don't know sir, I've never heard of anything like that. What sources did you get your information from? I don't think they're very reliable,"

"My sources very reliable," He said, licking his lips.

"Well if you say so," She shrugged and he took that as the green light, grabbing her face and pulling her into him, touching their lips softly. As soon as their lips touched, it genuinely felt like she was coming home. She missed how his lips felt and how he always found a way to touch her ass when they kissed. She opened her mouth slightly, wrapping her arms around his neck, and scooted up on his lap, making him groan and grab her hips. When she 'accidentally' rocked back and forth, he pinched her thigh and she smiled against his lips.

Just when he reached up to unzip her jacket, the door swung open, revealing their entire friend group staring at them with slack jaws. Lourdes turned around, startled while Rashir rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed they were interrupted.

"Ooh, they kissing," Nico pointed at them and Lourdes hid her face in Rashir's neck and he chuckled.

"Get out," He said simply. And the group didn't need to be told twice, beginning to walk down the stairs murmuring something about how horny they were, except for Gianna who did not want them doing anything on her bed. Lourdes heard her complaining as someone closed the door, letting them resume what they were doing in peace.

hey y'all! short chapter for y'all today, next one is gonna be better though! don't forget to vote and comment!

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