"I uh, I'm not sure. Guess I woke up naturally." She said softly as she just watched me dip the string back into the wax.

"I understand, I just woke up naturally today. I then got out of bed and went to get this stuff." I told her as she nodded her head,

"Yeah, I'll be happy to have some candles." I looked at her,

"Who said they were for you?"

"Me." I laughed a little at how confident she sounded.

"Hey you know what you can do while I do this?" She shook her head, "finish the house." I said with a smirk as I pointed over to the part that still needed a roof.

"Wow, would you look at the time! I need to go and take a bath in the river!" She said with a smile as she ran off back into the jungle. I laughed and rolled my eyes as the roof would probably have to wait until tomorrow. But by the look of the sky, I don't think it'll rain, so we should be fine.

I sat here for a good two hours making multiple candles for my home. Rosé came back within an hour and pretended that she totally didn't know the house didn't have a roof on half of it. I showed her my candles and she took one, putting it inside and lighting it. I smiled proudly as the small wick held the flame.

"I am good," I mumbled to myself as I went out to make another since I only have three in total. I want at least like five or something by the end of the day. I was hunched over continuing a candle when Rosé tapped my shoulder,

"How may I help you?" I asked, my attention still on the soon to be candle.

"Do you know how to make paper?" She asked me as she just walked around doing stuff behind me. I stopped and looked back over my shoulder to her,

"Does it look like I would know how to make paper?"


"Oh," I said not expecting that, "well I don't. Just like, I dunno, find some trees that have thin bark and use that. What do you even need it for?"

"I want to paint or something to pass the time." I just looked at her,

"Then you gotta figure out how you're going to do all that. I'll leave you to it. I'm going to finish this last candle up and then I am going to cook a fish; you want one?"

"I do want one and I'll be back in a bit after I get some colored flowers to make some paint with." Rosé said as she walked along the outskirts of the jungle, picking flowers as she went. I heard her scream a few times and guessed that she ran into some spiders along her travels. I finished the last candle and hung it up while I put two fish on the fire for us. I had grabbed some carving wood earlier and I grabbed my knife, starting a new carving.

Rosé came back after a little while with an assortment of different flowers. She sat down in front of me and happily told me about each and every single one she got; from the name all the way to the meaning behind them. I just sat and listened, eating my fish since I had nothing better to do right now. She also found some thin bark to use as a sort of paper for when she starts painting.

"That was quite the lesson, thank you Rosé." I said as I then handed her cooked fish over. She took it and then looked a little disappointed. I furrowed my eyebrows, "what's wrong?"

"Why don't you call me Rosie?"

"Um, I don't know. I guess I've just been calling you Rosé since forever." I explained to her, a tad confused as to why she brought it up.

"Can you call me Rosie then?" She asked me, looking a little shy at the request. I tilted my head a bit,

"Would you like it if I started calling you Rosie?" She nodded her head with a small smile appearing, "alright then, Rosie it is. But quick question, why do you want me to call you Rosie?"

High Sea's Love (Rosé x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now