Chapter 6

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I've never fucked up so badly in my life. I had the worst weekend of the season, no probably my whole career and it's all because I lost her from one stupid mistake. If I could go back and never kiss that girl I would, but I can't.

And now I don't know how to make it up to her. I want her back. It had taken her so long to drop her walls and open up to me and I know I completely fucked up her trust in me. The guys were no help either. I told her the truth and she just hated me more.

I don't know how to make it better with her. We were perfect for each other. I love her so much and I know she does me. If there was a chance for us to get through this, I'm going to take it. I know we can work through this.

On Monday I went back home to London but I so wanted to go see her but I knew she wouldn't want to see me. I needed to give her some distance, a chance to think. Once home I started to think back to when I first met her two years ago.

2 years ago

I walked towards the press room on Thursday in Bahrain for the second race of the season. I found Daniel, Lando and Charles all stood outside waiting for the previous group of guys to finish their press conference.

"Hey, guys," I said

"Hey," Lando said

The other two greeted me and we started to chat. I looked around me and saw Lewis walking towards us talking to a cute girl. She was so beautiful. She had brown flowing hair; a smile planted on her face as she talked to him. She was wearing a Mercedes t-shirt with jeans on and black converses. I didn't recognise her and had never seen her before.

"Who is that with Lewis?" I asked

They all looked

"No way," Daniel said

"What?" I asked

"Ha, that's Y/N Wolff." He said

"As in Toto's daughter?" I asked

"Yep. God, I haven't seen her in years." He replied

"How come?" I asked

"you're better off asking her for the full details but long story short she had a boyfriend in F2 and he cheated on her and since then she has stayed away from the sport, until now I guess." He replied smiling

They were now in earshot so I didn't ask any more

"Y/N it's so good to see you," Daniel said hugging her

"Same here Danny," she said

"God how long has it been?" he asked

"3 years." She replied

"Wow. Well, I'm glad to see you back." He said

"Thanks." She replied smiling at him

"Oh, guys this is Y/N Wolff Toto's daughter." Lewis introduced

"Charles." He said shaking her hand

"Lando." He said next

"George." I introduced myself and shook her hand

"Well, it's nice to meet you all." She said

We then noticed some of the others come out of the building meaning it was our turn. We walked in and sat down and got adjusted with the mics. I couldn't take my eyes off her during the press conference. I couldn't help wonder if Lewis was dating her as they seemed so close to one another. I hoped not as I wanted to ask her out. I grabbed Lewis quickly on the way out.

"Hey, Lewis can I talk to you for a sec?" I asked

"Yeah, sure what's up?" he asked

"Well, I was wondering if there is anything going on between you and Y/N as I'd like to ask her out," I said

"No, there isn't we're just friends but I highly doubt she will say yes." He replied

"Why would you say that?" I questioned

"Because her ex was a driver and after what happened she sworn she wouldn't date another." He replied

"Oh ok. Well, I'm still going to try." I replied

"Well good luck with that. I'll see you later." He said as we got closer to her

"Yeah, see you later." I replied "hey. Y/N, can I grab you for a moment?" I asked as we reached her

"Sure." She replied hesitatively

"I'll leave you guys to it," Lewis said and carried on

"George, right?" she asked

"Yeah. I just wanted to see if you wanted to go on a date with me?" I asked

"No," she replied and walked away

Daum. That was blunt. But I like it. I'm not going to give up. I have all weekend to ask her. And I did. I kept asking and asking her all weekend. She kept saying no but I knew she would end up saying yes at some point.

Past, Present and Future (George Russell)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt