Nick sighed loudly before pulling away from the curb.  He knew that they had some very hard days ahead of them.  First things first though.  He had to get them out of Germany and back to the U.K.   Once there he already had a plan in place, a plan that would see Nick, Joel and Alyssa Harper cease to exist. 

Seb wrapped his arms around Sienna as the car pulled off down the road, taking her brother and sister off to safety.  She was sobbing so violently that her body was shaking.   

"Sienna, it's for their own safety. You know that. You have me. I will always be there for you Sienna. I love you liebling," he said, trying to reassure her, although he didn't even know if she'd heard him above the storm. 

Sienna clung to him. Her clothes were soaked through, her blonde hair was plastered to her head and face. She felt like her heart had been torn from her chest.   She couldn't breathe properly.  What had she done?  Would she ever see her dad, brother and sister again?  But what else could she have done?  There was no way she could have left Joel and Alyssa with them!

"Seb, when will I see them again?"  she asked, hoping that Seb would have an answer.

"I don't know Sienna. Not until it's safe. Now come on inside. You need to change into some dry clothes before you catch a cold."   She was already beginning to shiver, as was he.  

"I don't even know where they're going Seb," she wept, ignoring his pleas to get out of the rain.

"Sienna you know why.  If you don't know where they are they can't make you tell them!"

"I know, but it doesn't make it any easier.  They're my family Seb!"

Seb looked down the end of the long road his parents' house was on.   The hire car Nick was driving was just turning around the corner and disappearing out of sight.

Another flash of lightning illuminated the street, followed closely again by a loud rumble of thunder. 

"Please Sienna, let's go inside."

Sienna nodded in acceptance and let Seb take her hand and lead her up the driveway to the white and blue detached house he still lived in with his parents and younger brother, Fabian. 

His mother was stood in the doorway watching out for them, a look of concern on her face.  She ran her fingers through her short black hair as Seb and Sienna stepped back inside the house.  After she'd shut and locked the front door she took Sienna's hands in hers and smiled sympathetically at the devastated girl.

"Have they gone Sebastian?" his father asked, coming out of the kitchen.

"Yes," Seb replied to the white haired, slightly rotund man.

"Good. That house was not a place for young children. Those people...they're not fit to look after animals, let alone children.  They belong in a prison cell," Norbert Vettel snarled. Seb knew his father was not a vindictive man, but seeing how Sienna's younger siblings had been treated had angered and upset him a lot.

"Come now," Heike Vettel said. "Go and get into some dry clothes and I'll put the kettle on."

Seb and Sienna both trudged up the stairs as if they had the weight of the world on their shoulders.  Neither of them spoke as they got changed out of their wet clothes.  There was nothing to say.   What was done was done.  Now they just had to hope that their plan had worked, that Joel and Alyssa would stay safe and out of the clutches of their evil mother and stepfather. 

They headed back down to the lounge, where Heike had placed two steaming mugs of hot chocolate on the pine coffee table. 

Seb sat down next to his father. He felt empty. He knew they'd done the right thing, but he hated seeing Sienna so upset. In the two years they'd been together he'd barely ever seen her cry despite the struggles she'd gone through.

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