20. Take me here and now

Start from the beginning

"We actually got one pair for you too" Pauline handed me a bag.

"What.. Why?.. I'm not gonna dance" I laughed but took the bag from her.

"Just try it on at least, might come in handy some time" Ro winked so I pulled out a pair of black high neck Martha top that revealed a little bit of boobs but not too much, and matching black bottom similar to Ro's but with black garter.

"This like screams to 'take me here and now'" I looked at the set the girls had ordered to me.

"Come on.. You have been literally helping us out during you own time so... Try it on now. I wanna see a burning hot Miryam" Pauline encouraged me so I had no choice than to pull the clothes on.

"So.. How do I look like?" I spun around to show the clothing.

"Fucking hot..." Ro gasped and clapped her hands in excitement.

"I mean.. If I was gay.." was all Pauline could get out from her mouth and that made me and Ro both laughing. We then decided to take a picture, just for fun, but did not post it to anywhere. The clock was ticking closer to seven and Robyn's phone started to ring, Joel's name flashing on the screen.

"Hi babe" she answered with the smile.

"Okay, great.. Stay there, we'll come let you in" she then ended the call and it looks like it was gonna be a show time.
"Can you go to open the door... We have few details to add" Pauline asked me. I nodded but then realized that I was still wearing the sexy clothing and this was definitely not how I was gonna show up infront of Joel and Joonas. So I quickly pulled my long black cardigan over me to cover myself and made my way to the door. I could see the two blonde already waiting behind the door.

"What up, guys?" I opened the door and the guys walked in.

"Oh wow, look at you.. Your hair looks nice" Niko smiled and followed Joel and Joonas in. For a moment my heart forgot that it was supposed to keep beating in order to keep me alive. I had no idea what to say to that. Why was he here? This was gonna be a surprise for Joel and Joonas, from Ro and Pauline. What was he doing here? Thank god he couldn't see what I was wearing under the cardigan.
"Thanks..." I said quietly and locked the door behind me. The guys all stood before me a bit clueless, not knowing where to go so I walked past them and asked them to follow me. I was so gonna cut off Pauline's balls if this was what I thought it was gonna be. And as we reached to the class room, I got my confirmation. There was now three chairs instead of two. So that was the finishing detail to add?

"What the... What is this place?" Joel looked around.

"Is this what I think this is..?" Joonas run towards the pole and tried to spin on it but ended up sliding to the floor.

"So.. umh.. take a seat guys.." I gestured them to the chairs and went back to the dressing room.

"Which one of you wants to explain?" I asked and pointing to the class before crossing my arms on my chest.

"You are going to dance" Pauline said and walked to me placing her hands on my shoulders.

"There is no way you are gonna leave Niko just watch us now.. You are going to dance for him" she smiled and I just wanted to scream. Suddenly I got all nervous. I was so not ready for this.

"Are you fucking serious?" I asked Pauline and pushed her hands off from my shoulders. I sat on the bench and felt how my legs started to tremble.

"Miryam, yes. What are you afraid of? We have seen the confidence you have when you are dancing. You need to get out from that shell of yours, you can't hide there forever.." Pauline sat next to me and Ro handed me water. I took a sip and placed the bottle next to me.

"You know I don't do shows... "I whispered and tried to stop my legs shaking.

"It is not a show. It is just Niko... Come on Miryam.. That man is so freaking in love with you, he has been so respectful towards you the whole time.. Please.. " Pauline was still trying to convince me to dance.

"Listen.. I did not tell you this before but.. Niko told me that he has never felt anything this strong towards any other girl than he is feeling for you.. Give it a try... You know he won't judge you.. He loves you, Mir" Ro knelt in front of me and looked me with her blue eyes.

The guys were all sitting on the chairs. From left to right it was Joel, Niko and Joonas. They still had no idea what was about to happen, Niko the least. It was not even his birthday any time near but he was gonna have a surprise of life time tonight. I wasn't exactly mad at the girls, I knew they meant well. But I did not expect this to happen, not tonight. Not in front of them, even though I knew Joel had his eyes only for Ro and Joonas' for Pauline. I was still shaking so bad.

"Are you ready girls?" Pauline was so excited as she put her heels on.

"Hell yes" Robyn said and took one last look from the mirror.

"Hell no?" I asked like it was even an option. They were gonna make me dance, no matter what.

"Mir. Man up" Pauline ordered so I finally put my heels on andtook my phone from the bench.

We walked behind the curtains and I looked the girls almost pleading that they'd just let me go, but since I was stuck between those two I had no way out. With a heavy sigh I pressed the play button on my Spotify and Tinashe's 2 on started to play. And we were on.  

A/N: Whoops... :) 

Guys you just get me speechless everytime I read your comments, thank you thank you thank you!♥♥♥  And thank you for all the votes also ♥♥♥

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