chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Lucy's P.O.V

we got out of the hotel and ran across the street to be greeted by loads of other directioners sat round a huge campfire.

we went and sat down next to two girls. one with blonde hair and the other with dark hair.

they introduced themselves, "hey im Pippa, and this is Emily" the blonde girl said

i introduced Aimee and i to them. they were really preety and as the night went on we got to know them quite well. we found out that they both had horses and they confessed that on hacks they sing 1D songs at the top of their lungs!

"we get quite a few funny looks, but we dont really care!" emily giggled.

"yeah, i mean apart from horses, 1D is the only thing we talk about! i think sometimes Paddie and Piglet get abit bored!" (paddie was pippa's horse and piglet was Emily's horse)

Aimee's P.O.V

Pippa and Emily were really nice girls. they were so down to earth and they had an amazing friendship! they had common interests and didnt really care about what anyone thought about them.

"so you play the Guitar?" Pippa asked looking at me

"yeah" i replied "i just got a new one for christmas!

"well, are u gonna play us some tunes?" Emily asked

"im not a very good singer but, sure. as long as you all join in?" i asked everyone around the campfire

they all gave out a loud cheer so i started to play 'over again' by obiously 1D

"said i never leave her, coz her hands fit like my t-shirt, tongue tied over three words.." i began

there werent many people joining in at first apart from us four but then as i got closer to the chorus more and more directioners started to join in.

on te second verse me and Lucy always try to sing it as fast as we can, so we did!

"again we take thesame road, two days in the same clothes and i know just what she'll say if i can make all this pain go,

can stop this for a minuite, you know i can tell that your heart isnt in it or with it.

tell me with your mind, body and spirit, i can make your tears fall down like the showers that are British, weather we're together or apart we can both remove the masks and admit, we regret it from the start" 

and the repeat the chorus.

"are you joking me?" Pippa laughed

"sorry?" i asked unsure what she meant

"you are telling us that you cant sing, and then tat just happeneds! omg girl, you got some lungs on you!" she winked at me

everybody started cheering and wooping and chanting "another one, another one" people screamed

Fred's P.O.V

so that is basically how the rest of the night carried on.

the girls exchanged numbers with Pippa and Emily and got back to the hotel at about 11pm

Lucy had gone to the toilet in the lobby because she said she couldnt wait to get to the room, but told Aimee to head up and meet her there.

aimee headed over to the lift and it dinged as it got to the ground floor. the doors opened and it was empty. she walked in and pressed number 7, the floor she was on. 

Horan's Guitar GirlWhere stories live. Discover now