At this, the crowd was quiet as they thought of it and Harald was right. That was one of the happiest times in Kattegat.


"Good morning, Queen Astrid." People said as you walked past with a smile, moving to the centre of town

Upon arriving there, you saw Yrsa dancing with a crown of wildflowers atop her small head. You chuckle and joined everyone in clapping along with the music, cheering on Yrsa and Hali.

"Aren't they adorable?" A smiling Torvi asks

"They are!" You reply with a laugh

"Come dance, Mama!" Hali said, both him and Yrsa cheering for you and Torvi to join, the people also cheering

You laughed as Torvi dragged you into the circle and you two also began to dance.

The crowd laughed and cheered for you as you all danced together, laughing and smiling.


"They have all confessed their sorrows and their mistakes! And they have come here to be judged by their own people. They are who they are, but they are the family of Ragnar Lothbrok. And we should be overjoyed that they have decided to come here and share their future with us."

As the people mumbled in annoyance, Harald sat back down.

"So, tell us, Ivar." One man said as he stood from the crowd. "Is it true that you are a god like you told us?!"

While Ivar remained silent, you leaned forward in your seat. "Of course it is true. My husband is a god. A merciful god. A god that took care of you during his rule. Have any of you met another cripple in your lifetime?" You ask

"I have." One woman said.

"And did this cripple ever walk?" You ask

"No. He... he died after he turned 18, My Lady." She answers

"Ivar not only lived past 18, but he found a way to walk. A way to stand and lead wars! Lead you into greatness and lead your lost loved ones into Valhalla! How many of you thought my husband had died during the 5 years of my reign? Or died in battles?"

Many people raised their hands or shouted their answers. "Exactly!" You exclaim. "Ivar, the god, never once died. He lived in the cold of Russia. He fought in the Great Army to avenge the greatest man of our time! He fought and won against the mighty Bjorn Ironside! How can any of you think that Ivar is not a god?"

The people thought about your words and realized you were right. Ivar, in a way, was indeed a god.

"Then we shall rejoice!" A man said. "For the presence of a god is always a good sign! A sign of great things to come!"

The feast started, as did the music and chatter of people.

Ivar, shocked and amazed, looked to you with a grin. Without any hesitation, he pulled you to him and placed a long and rough kiss on your lips. "It seems that my beautiful and intelligent wife is right." Ivar smirks, looking to Harald after he pulls away from the kiss.

The Red Queen (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now