The Buddha

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You sat on your throne, caressing your swollen and sore stomach as a man and Ivar whispered.

As the man left, Ivar glanced at you, playing with the chess piece Alfred gave him all those years ago.

Then Hvitserk came in.

"Hvitserk." Ivar said. "I have just received some very interesting news. It seems that King Harald was defeated in Wessex by the new King, Alfred." Ivar explained

So Alfred was now King of Wessex. The young prince had clearly grown.

"But, Alred had the help of Lagertha, Bjorn and Ubbe." Ivar added, your eyes snapping to his own.

"Then you knew all along that you didn't sacrifice Lagertha." Hvitserk hissed, watching as Ivar chuckled while you smirked

"Did Harald survive the battle?" Hvitserk asks with a heavy sigh

"Yes, he retreated to York. It seems to me that now is the time to return to England." Ivar says. "Harald had learned his lesson. He cannot win without me."

"Even with Astrid in such condition?" Hvitserk asks. "What if she gives birth when on the boat?"

"We will obviously wait until after she gives birth so she and my son can travel with us." Ivar smirked as Hvitserk glanced at you with a heavy sigh.

"What is that?" He asked after looking back to his brother.

"When our father took Astrid and I to England for the first time, and was imprisoned by King Ecbert, I played chess with Prince Alfred. Now I would like to play chess with him again. Only this time, on the battlefield." Ivar said, inspecting the piece of wood.


You watched Ivar and Hvitserk speak as you sat on your throne. You rubbed your sore baby bump. The pregnancy had been difficult and painful. Ivar knew and tried his best to help but nothing ever did.

Ivar finished his conversation and stood, limping toward you. He dragged a stool to sit in front of you, rubbing your belly as he scanned your face, seeing the pain hiding in your eyes.

He knew what this meant. Your divine child won't be divine. Your son would be a cripple. Ivar knew this. But he didn't want to hurt you so he kept it quiet. But he wondered how much it would hurt when he would take your son away from you?


The Red Queen (Editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon