"And, for my part, I never thought that my first visitors would be you."

"The Gods work in mysterious ways." Ivar says glancing at your angry face

"They do, indeed, Ivar the Boneless. What brought you back?"

"This is our home." Hvitserk replies

"You were all fighting with the Rus." Harald stated

"To reclaim our home." You say

"From your brother-in-law." Harald said

"Family can fall out. They may even end up fighting on different sides. You know that, too well, King Harald." You smirk. "Remind me, who killed Halfdan?"

Harald took a deep breath as he glared at you, watching as Ivar pulled you closer and Hvitserk moved to stand closer to you all as well.

"Many of the townsfolk hate you." Harald said. "As long as you remain here, you will be in danger."

"We are the legitimate sons of Ragnar Lothbrok. Yrsa Ivarsdottir is the granddaughter of Ragnar Lothbrok himself. You can't tell us that the people of Kattegat don't still revere and worship my father." Hvitserk said

"And if they're willing to accept you as King, surely they'll be willing to accept us as your supporters."
Ivar said

When you turned your glare to him, he squeezed your arm in warning.

"If you truly are my supporters." Harald said. "Your arrival May strengthen my position here. Make it more legitimate, as you say. I think we should have a feast to celebrate this new and unexpected accord. The family of Ragnar has returned home to support this new regime. All is well with the world. Wouldn't you agree?"


As you all sat down with King Harald and Queen Ingrid, the chatter of the people stopped when Harald stood.

"Tonight... we have much to celebrate. Two of Ragnar's son have returned home, along with Ragnar's granddaughter. They were free people, they could've chosen to go anywhere in our world where their fame would have guaranteed them a warm welcome. Instead, they returned to Kattegat, to their beginnings." Harald said

"I can see that many of you are not in favour of their return. You have bitter memories. You feel betrayed. But let me remind you that the gods always forgive each other. But not always. They couldn't forgive Loki's murder of Baldur, Odin's son. But the exception proves to rule!"

At this, you froze. The mention of your son causing pain to stab at your already bleeding heart. Glancing at Ivar, you saw him already looking at you with guilt painted on his face. You quickly look away, back to the table and wondered what had happened to the skull of your son?

Did Bjorn have it moved and if so, where was it?

"For the most parts, gods, being human, understand human nature. They understand jealousy. They understand ambition. They understand how people who love each other can end up challenging and sometimes murdering those they love. I did it myself! I killed my own brother! And I regret it every day! Ivar regrets the way he ruled here. He was young. The responsibility was to great and he forgot to lessons of his father. And his brother, Hvitserk, he never meant to kill Lagertha. How could he ever mean to kill such a goddess?!"

The crowd shouted insults and boos again until Harald continued.

"And Astrid! In her own time of ruling Kattegat, she led you all in greatness! All of your voices were heard! You were cared for! Everyone was welcomed to feasts! Everyone was welcome to raid! No one was treated poorly! The children were allowed to dance in the streets while the adults feasted and drank! Are you trying to say that you were not happy during her rule?"

The Red Queen (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now