"The world." Torvi corrected

"Yes. One of the most famous shield maidens in the world. Will in the future you become a simple farmer, just a forgotten and private person?" Ubbe asks

"Yes. That is what I want, Ubbe." Lagertha says. "I no longer wish to be famous. You must forgive me, Astrid, but my mind is made up. Bjorn thinks it would be good for me."

"And why's that, Bjorn?" You ask

"Because 5 years ago, she went missing after battle. What if, this time, we don't find her?" Bjorn asks, watching as you fell deep in thought.

"Then I must accept this." You sigh. "The decision is yours, Lagertha. Wherever we may go, may the gods continue to love and protect us, yes?"

With that, you all continued to eat dinner.


"Queen Astrid." A man said as he walked into the hall, his crew behind him. "We bring news of King Harald."

Confused, you glanced at Bjorn.

"King Harald?" He asked. "We were led to believe that King Harald had died of his wounds."

"No. It is true that he was wounded in battle, but King Olaf rescued him and took him back home." The man said

"Well that was indeed noble of King Olaf." Bjorn sighed

"Perhaps not so much, Bjorn Ironside. While King Harald was sick, King Olaf claimed his Kingdom. And had enough warriors to enforce his claim."

"Well, that is a pity." You say. "Now what has it got to do with me or my kingdom?"

"King Harald is still recovering his health, but he does not want to be ruled by King Olaf. He knows his life is threatened and likely to be forfeit. He also remembers that he came willingly to your aid when you desired to avenge Ragnar Lothbrok, when he fought against Bjorn Ironside, Ubbe Lothbrok and Former Queen, Lagertha. That he let you have safe passage into his kingdom before the war that started it all. Therefore, he claims an obligation. He asks you as a true Viking, as the Queen of Queens, as a friend and ally, to help him overthrow the usurper." The man explained

"I am very sorry for King Harald's plight but I am not sure we are under any obligation to him." You say.

"On the contrary, Queen Astrid. King Harald believes that you and he have become true friends since you were a child. He could move pressed his claim to the kingship of all Norway when he had to power." The man sighed

"As a man of honour, he didn't. But now, Queen Astrid, he reached out to you as a fellow warrior of honour for your help. We heard that you had become the sole leader of Kattegat after the god Ivar left. So the real question is, are you going to be a better Queen or will you go back to being the Red Queen?"

At this, you chuckled, moving to stand in front of the man that did all the talking and grabbed his hand. "I will think on it." You say. "For now, Bjorn. Will you?"

Bjorn smirked as he nodded, axe in hand. Within seconds, the man that you had given the mark of death to was dead, staining your wooden floor with his blood.

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