At this, Ivar's bodyguard, the man called White Hair,  chuckled. You sighed as you faced the crowd. "They are guilty, yes. That much is true. But they did it under the orders of me and my husband. But for now, take them away!" You order


You stood at the main gate of Kattegat, the men standing in front of you, guards pointing their weapons at them.

"The men are guilty. They committed crimes against their people upon my husband's orders but even after my husband left, they were still loyal to Ivar. And I know you all think they deserve to die. But there is something far worse then death. Far worse. I will banish them for life. They will become outlaws, Skogarmaors, men of the forests, forever condemned to live to the forest and other deserted places. Their property will be confiscated. They will be branded as Skogarmoars, and they can be killed with impunity. This is much worse then death. They will live not as human beings, but as ghosts. Outside of human society. Every day, forced to regret and remember their choices, and their crimes, yet unable to atone for them. Such is my decision. All in favour, say 'Aye.'"

"AYE!" The crowd roared

"The it is decided." You said, gesturing to the blacksmiths who didn't hesitate to place a red hot poker on the mens faces before they were thrown out of the Kingdom.

"You made the right choice." Lagertha said as the gates shut.

"I hope so." You sigh

"Ivar would've never set them free." Hvitserk said

"And I no longer think as my husband did." You say. "Besides, he is most likely dead by now. We needn't worry about him." You frown


"We have embarked on a new way of life here." You sigh, sitting at a table with your friends surrounding you. "That is now my commitment as Queen. Before, it was to be powerful, but now it is for the benefit of my people. We have built the most successful trading station in all of Scandinavia. But I will need your continued support. I need my family." You sigh

"Lagertha?" You ask, looking to the aging woman.

"I wish you well in your enterprise, my dear. And I'm certain that you will succeed. But in the future, you will have to do it without me." Lagertha says, glancing at her son before looking back up to you.

"I don't understand." You say, leaning forward in your seat. "Why won't you stay?"

"I've seen enough of war. I have seen enough of death. Just like you, I have lost so many. I don't want to be a public person anymore. I don't want to be responsible." Lagertha says

You frowned, leaning back in your seat as she grabbed your hand to get your attention again. "I desire to live a totally different kind of life."

"And how can you do that?" You ask

"I plan to build a farmstead. Just like the one Ragnar and I lived in when we were first married, where we were all so happy. I plan to build it in the countryside. Untroubled by the problems of running a large and prosperous town."

"Let me get this right. You want to retire and disappear. One of the most famous shield maidens in all of Scandinavia?" Ubbe asks

The Red Queen (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now