"LOOSE!" You roar, looking back to the current problem on the west wall.

You were even more surprised when you saw the north wall had people climbing over it since the warriors were busy dealing with the people that had gotten inside.

But it was to late. You could not help Ivar. At all.


You smirked when you heard Bjorn's retreat horn. You had won. Your had won for now.


"WHEN I TELL YOU TO KILL BJORN, YOU KILL HIM!" Ivar roared. Apparently, Bjorn had given a powerful speech and nobody listened to Ivar when they were told to fire at Bjorn. "You have to understand 1 thing. That Bjorn is NOT your friend. He is your enemy! If he and King Harald succeed in their ambitions, then what future do we have? They have great plans, yes, but those plans do not involve you. You, the ordinary folk of Kattegat. I am the only one who speaks for you! And I swear, that I will live and die for any of you! All that I ask is for your absolute loyalty. Otherwise, we shall all perish together."


As everyone celebrated the victory, you stood to the side, watching Ivar cheer and drink with the men surrounding him.

"My Lady." A thrall said from beside you. "It is Princess Yrsa's feeding time."

You nodded, not hesitating to take your child from her arms and moving to the back.

"Come now, darling." You whispered to Yrsa as you began to feed her.

Your hatred toward Ivar was growing and your love, while it was still so very strong, was slowly starting to fade. He was completely unaffected by Baldur and the loss of lives from the battle today.

How could he not care?

"So, Astrid the heartless has a heart." Ragnar's words repeated in your head.

You knew that you were going to betray him. It was fate.


Late that night, you had ridden out towards the camp of Bjorn, Harald, Olaf and Hvitserk.

"Halt! Who are you?!" A guard asked as you approached the camp

You took off your hood, revealing yourself.


Now, you made your way to the tent where the leaders were. When you walked in, Hvitserk's eyes widened.

"Astrid, what are you doing here? You should not-"

"I had to come." You tell him. "I have much to say."

This grabbed everyone's attention as you looked back to Hvitserk. "Thora is dead, my friend." You sigh. "Ivar ordered to have her burned alive, along with many others. He told me to give them to mark of death before everyone was taken to the woods and were killed."

You could hear Hvitserk's heart shattering as his eyes fill with tears. He looked away as he sniffled.

"I am sorry, Hvitty. He killed our son but our daughter lives." You say as you face the others. "Ivar is turning into a monster. We must stop him and I will help if that is what you choose. If you wish for me to leave, then I will go."

"How? How can we stop him, Astrid?" Bjorn asks as he looks to you.

"There is a secret way into the town. Ivar created it in case we ever needed to escape. Only we know about it. That is how I got out. I can show your scouts where it is and I will open it for you in the morning. Be ready." You said, going to leave but Bjorn grabbed your arm and stopped you.

The Red Queen (Editing)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن