Chapter 3 - Caught the boss' eyes

Start from the beginning

I slowly let go of Leiline as I gave my whole attention to the intruder. This is the first time I've seen him angry. All day he's just all smile or all serious. He didn't frown nor glare. And a few minutes ago he's smiling as if he won the lottery. So what turned his mood around?

"Mr. Graveman," I heard Leiline said. "Actually, I'm just about to leave." With that, she stood up and left without much of a word or even a simple goodbye to me.

My jaw almost drop to the ground while watching her retreating back. How could she leave me here alone to face an angry monster? What kind of friend does that? She will definitely hear a word or two from me later. That bitch.

I was too occupied with ways on how to get back at her that I didn't noticed Xander walking over me until I felt him forced my body to face him. He's still mad though not as much as earlier. The grip of his hands on my shoulder tightens as he seems to be trying to control his temper.

After a few deep breath he finally speaks. "Now tell me. What are you and that girl doing a while ago?" He said through his teeth spitting out the word that girl in anger.

"We were just talking Xander."

Saying his name seems to snap something inside of him a little. His grip on my shoulder loosened a bit before it tightens again after a few seconds. His eyes glared at me making me flitch back a little. You can feel the tension that surrounds us and I'm not sure where it came from.

"Who is she?"

"She's Leiline." I answered.

His grip tightened more and I'm sure it'll leave a bruise on my shoulder. "I don't give a damn what her name is. I want to know Who. Is. She. To. You?"

~Leiline POV~

I quickly made my exit when I saw the look Mr. Graveman is throwing at my direction. I know a good friend don't leave their friends behind but his murdering looks left me with no choice. And I'm sure no matter what, he won't hurt Miguel.

I can see it in his eyes. I can read it on his actions. He likes Miguel more than a boss should feel toward an employee. And I have nothing against it.

Miguel has been a good friend of mine. He have been there for me through thick and thin. He was there to help me stand when everyone else turn their back at me. He was there to pick me up when I thought my world is crashing down.

I saw him grow up to be the man that he is. I saw his happiness and his pain. I saw firsthand how miserable he is when his heart got broken. And it pretty much hurt us all.

Miguel is a good guy. Whether he meant to or not. And all of us, his family and friends, want nothing more than him to be happy. And I can feel that Mr. Graveman can be the person to give him that.

I will help him play the game of this twisted romance. And I don't want any other ending than a happy one. After all, he caught the boss' eyes.

~Miguel POV~

Remember when I said I'm not afraid of him? I take that back. Looking at his burning eyes scares me. He looks like an angry devil plotting his revenge.

But no matter how frightened I am, my mouth can't help being a smart ass. "That is none of your business." I hiss with such power I didn't knew I posses.

The fire in his eyes intensify. And his aura darkens with the words I throw at his face. "You are my business! So her relationship with you is my business!" He pulled me much closer to him that I could hardly breath. "Don't make me repeat myself again. Who is she to you?"

I gulp hard, too scared to choke on my own saliva. "She's my best friend." I whispered so low that I fear he won't hear.

He raised his left hand and I closed my eyes expecting him to hit me or something. I waited for the blow that never came. What I didn't expect is to feel his warm hand caressing my cheek.

I opened my eyes and was greeted by a warm hazel eyes. All the anger gone and was replaces by an emotion I cannot read. But it all disappeared in a blink that I thought I just imagined it. It was replaced with a hard stoic look.

The hand resting on my cheeks stilled. He cuff my face and moved it much closer to his. I could practically feel his warm breath on my lips.

"I don't want you to be that close with her again. I don't even want you to be friends with her. You won't come anywhere near her. Do you hear me?"

It took me some time to register what he just said. But when it did, all my nerves rushed up to my head like a blow in my gut. How dare him tell what to do? And how dare him medle with my life?

I pushed him away from me in an instinct. The fear I felt earlier is now replaced with anger. He have no right to tell me what to do. He have right to interfere with my relationship with other people. Actually, he have no right to be here now disturbing me.

I shoot him with my sharpest glare. It don't seem to affect him because he's just looking at me with a poker face. But I won't be affected nor be intimidated. I have to let him have a piece of my mind.

"You have no right to tell me what I should and shouldn't do. You may be my boss but my personal life is none of your business. So I suggest that you let me do my work here Mr. Graveman and leave me the fuck alone." I spit out with too much hatred on my voice.

He just looked at me dead on the eyes. His blank eyes against my burning one.

"I'll leave you for now. But I'll be back later. This conversation is not yet done. You will stay away from her."

With that, he took his exit as people that I didn't noticed earlier that was here all along parted to give him a way out. I drop down on my chair, too exhausted to stay standing. It feels like I lost all my energy with that small argument.

It's just our first day meeting and he's already messing me up. That cocky bastard.

(I made a little editing. Some noticeable typos and wrong grammars. Nothing big.)

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