chapter 2

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" how was i suppose to know she was texting me about a KID" i said looking at jay.

" by answering you little dumb fuck" he said.

" i- you- why" i groaned.

" why wha-"

" why me i have enough fucking kids why i have to add one to the roster" i said.

" because you and jhené had sex and-"

" nigga i know what happened" i said rolling my eyes.

" then why did you ask that questio-"

" it was a rhetorical question you bitch" i said hitting him.

" man you betta ask to spend time with your daughter"

" so she can smack me again nahh i'll wait" i said.

" she only smacked you because she tried to reach out to you and you ignored it"

" i thought she was hitting my phone to get into my pants or something so then i blocked her i was on to better things" i said.

" yeah well better things is taking care of that little girl"

" how do we know that's really my child" i said crossing my arms.


" bryant is enough for me that bad ass little boy" i said.

" well you got another to deal with you need to take care of her y/n it's not right for her to grow up without her other parent"

i sighed.

" your right" i said.

" i know i am and that's why i texted jhené to slide through with nami so you can officially meet her" he said taking a sip of his sprite.

" YOU WHAT" i said standing up.

" texted-"

" yeah i ain't wanna do this today i just found out i had a child yesterday" i said walking to the door.

i opened it and jhenè was about to knock on the door.

" jay told me you were coming"

" you weren't about to leave" she said raising her eyebrow at me.

" nahh heard ya car pull up a minute ago" i lied walking back to the couch.

i sat down and jhené and namiko walked in.

she hid behind jhené's legs but looked at me.

" namiko this is y/n your.." she looked at me.

i shrugged.

" mama this is your mama" she said.

i sat up and smiled softly at her.

she walked up to me.

" hi" she said said shyly.

i chuckled and stood up but picked her up in the mist.

she squealed.

" hey babygirl" i said holding her in my arms.

she hugged me and i thought about everything i said to jay and felt bad.

" jhené-"

" we can talk about when you can see her and take her" jhené said walking to where i was sitting and sat down.

i just sighed and walked out the room.

i walked upstairs into my room here and sat on the bed.

she was sitting on my lap and she looked up.

" you're pretty" she said.

i kissed her head and she laughed.

" you wanna play" i asked her.

she nodded her head and got up.

i thankfully have toys here because of when unused to bring bryant here.

i pulled them out the closet and spreaded them out.

we played with cars first then foam blocks then she saw his foam swords and wanted to battle i let her beat me everytime we played but i didn't realize jhené was watching us until i was sitting down and nami jumped on me.

i fell backwards and she laughed and so did i.

i heard a laugh that wasn't from us. i look back to see jhené looking at us with a smile.

when she saw me looking at her she stopped and walked away.

i sighed and nami got up.

" mommy" she said running after her.

i sat up but was still sitting on the floor.

" this is gonna be harder than ever" i sighed.

my phone went off and i got a text from ant saying that they were all hungry.

i got up and fixed my clothes.

i walked downstairs and jay and jhené were talking.

" i don't mean to interrupt you two but i have to go the kids are hungry" i said.

" alright y/n stay safe" jay said hugging me.

" bye nami" i said blowing her a kiss.

she blew one back and i smiled.

" uh jhené i'll text you to figure out some type of timing so i can spend time with her" i said.

" mhm" she hummed.

i sighed and looked at jay and he shook his head.

i pulled my key out my pocket and walked toward the door.

" i get i fucked up but damn can i at least get words for a response" i said as i walked out the door.

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