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Kevin sighed as he strolled into the booth. He'd forgotten to brush his teeth again. Not that it mattered. He never smiled anyway. No-one in Desert Bluffs ever smiled. It was tradition.
Intern Vanessa was waiting for him with a fresh pot of coffee. He grimaced at her as he took the pot. She grimaced back.
"Morning," Vanessa said as a greeting.
"I'm well aware," Kevin replied as he flicked a switch. The on air sign flashed. Vanessa hurried out before she became a part of his broadcast. That had happened last Tuesday. It had been awful.
Inside the booth, Kevin straightened his tie.
"Desert Bluffs. Morning. I hope you all slept as well as we can in the middle of a hot, hot desert." Kevin said all this in a monotonous voice. It was his signature opening, and he had to do it just right. He flicked a switch and the opening tune played. It was a series of beeps, the kind that make you want to smash the radio. No-one ever did. No-one in Desert Bluffs ever did much of anything.
As soon as the opening tune was over, Kevin began his broadcast.
"Carl Robertson, the gamer, said he saw a glowing cloud this morning. He said it was bathing Old Town Bluffs in a weird yellow light. At first, he thought it was just the sun rising, and then he remembered that the sun never rises in Desert Bluffs, and never will.
He said it made him smile. He said his cheeks had literally been carved open into the shape of a smile. He said his teeth had been sharpened. He also said that none of it had hurt. Good to know that he's part of the 47% of Desert Bluffs immune to pain."
Kevin's broadcast dragged on for another half-hour. No-one ever turned it off. They all listened to the morning radio. It was tradition.
It was about weather time when something interesting came up. From inside his booth, Kevin could see the Yellow Glow Cloud out in the street. It loomed ominously, directed slightly in the direction of the radio station.

Believe in a Smiling God :)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ