Chapter 2 : The scars

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Y/N's POV:

"Hey take a look, there's some good competition"


While i'm still sit waiting rinko done her rehearsal, i saw many staff saw some poster on information board.

"Gosh... Wish i can participate this competition but i don't have any couple"

"Me neither" Say some other staff grumpy, cause dont have any couple. I walk to information board and see what's make them so bit dissapointed cause can't join this competition.

"Umm.. Excuse me, what you guys talking about, its seems so serious" Ask me to the staff worker here. "Oh hey, the guardian rinko is here. Nice timing, there's some couple competitions on 3 months from now on, and yeah... We dont have a couple like other friends"

"Oh yeah, i heard some your friend rinko you are good at guitaring. Why dont you join this competition, you and rinko pretty close" Said my Friend, EJ. He always talks to me about nonsense, and ever since, I don't know if he's close to Lisa or not, Cause he always lisa beside.

"W-What?! Me?! W-Wait a second, Ej." I started. "You're right, I used to be good at playing guitar, but I've already stopped for a while now." I continued.

"It's... Not my Passion anymore, Ej." I followed, since deep inside, I feel like I couldn't play anymore ever since I stopped playing for a long time now.

"Awww, too bad you stop playing guitar, Y/N. It will be great duet to see you and rinko singing and play music together" I want to, but like i said again.guitaring is not my passion anymore again. Since.....


I made some Big mistake that time



Rinko's pov:

We reheasel as usual for Future world fes. But while we training i saw, sayo feel so not uncomfortable. Since Y/N come over to see our rehearsal, she bit not concetrated to rehearsel.

"Sayo your guitaring is not as usual, is there something happen to you" Ask yukina to sayo.

"No... Is just, maybe im too tired or something. My mood seems not good, minato-san" It's weird, last time sayo is fine at school and due council student work as usual, but now she kinda but weird this day.

"You better take rest sayo san, it's important for you, and for our band." Yukina says that to make sure her condition's okay. finally, I decided to accompany sayo to ask why she's acting so weirdly after i invite Y/N to come to see our rehearsal. we both in front of circle cafe and this is good timing to ask her.

"Uhm... H-Hikawa-san.... Is there something wrong?" Ask me Since the situation there, i can see that Sayo has a not-so happy expression while eating her fries."What, Shirokane-san?" Ask sayo againts to me while eating potato fries to calm herself.

"You've been acting weird ever since I asked Y/N to come and watch our rehearsal." I asked rather a bit worried. There must be something problem wit Y/N "Is something bothering you about Y/N, Hikawa-san?"

"sigh... guess I can't this hide this frowning face". After say that sayo has done drinking and stare me seriously a bit

"actually, Y/N L/N I know him since that concert". what!? i-it can't be, is that mean she knows the accident backstage, the bukansai junior high school. "after you bring him join us to watching us training, i was bit happy he finally came us. but other side, i saw him like a depression person with no hope and no passion anymore. Just, what's going with him"

Is normal Sayo say that, cause since that accident, Y/N really lost his passion anymore and i can't tell her the truth if Y/N never keep me promise that time

"Shirokane-san, if you know something why Y/N became like this, just tell me." Sayo stare me seriously and full of hoping she will get some answer but...




"Sorry hikawa-san, i can't tell you about that"



I can see that, sayo face is like dissapointed a bit. I'm sorry but i don't wanna Y/N hurt anymore if you know that any further what happen in the backstage

"Is that so... " And then sayo stand up and go inside to Circle "let's go back rehearsel shirokane-san, don't let any member worried about us" Sayo say that and get inside. I wish i can tell you, but i can't... I can't... I don't wanna see Y/N hurt. I dont wanna see that scars had been left by Y/N opened again...




Y/N Pov's:

Y/N house

Rinko say, i can go home earlier cause they gonna train for so long. So i decides go back home and doing my activity normal.

What ej say to me still stuck in my head. Well... Like i said. I will not going back to play guitar anymore. Why everyone can be so hoping for me to join, is waste my time.




"Best guitar??? Well.. That's a comedic to me, for a person like me"




After i done from bathing i always see my guitar still stand up so clean and never i touch it.

After i done from bathing i always see my guitar still stand up so clean and never i touch it

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Every time i see my guitar still stand up like this i always say to me..




"This is my fault, what im doing is wrong. This is all my fault"




To be continued

P.s:hey everyone as usual thanks for reading my chapter 2

Well it's seems Y/N have a bad pas had ever he made.

I wonder what past did he made the bukansai junior high school

Stay update to my story

And sorry if this chapter bit a short, this week im bit sick a bit. Hope i will get better also little cameo from my friend eirhonjanpalugod A.k.a EJ

He really helpfully and you guys should read his book. His books amazing

Once again, thank you for read my chapter 2

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