Chapter 3 :I Promise

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Y/N Pov's:

As usual... I looked outside the window while the teacher was busy explaining something about biology and whatnot. Everyday... I'm always doing the same thing. It's already a habit for me, but I enjoyed this monotonous activities, because looking upward into the blue sky feels really peaceful.

"Y/N... Y/N... Y/N... Y/N!!!!!!!!"

"Menstruation is the answer,sir!!!!!" I snapped out of my daze and answered almost instantly.

Damn... I've been spacing out a lot.

"This is the 8 time I've called you! That's it... You'll be cleaning this classroom! That's final!"

"B-But sir..."

"If you don't clean, I'll double your homework... Understand?" The teacher glared at me with a threatening demeanor.

.... Oh boy... This is will be loooooong work...

"Yes sir..." I answer with a bit embarassed,while everyone laugh at me. Gosh.. I hate this so much, i should bit consecrated to lesson.

"Well... If your understand, let's continue page number 56, we gonna talk about why animal age really short than human..." I sit back with a bit embarassment right now. Oh well, maybe this is my punishment for me daydreaming today.

"Owwh i almost forgot, after you done cleaning class, finish your homework. Yesterday you never assigment, that's mean is a double for you." Oh god, this is even worst now, i hate my teacher.

-after school-

"See ya, later sleepy hahahaha..."

Jeez this is too embarassing, why i must daydreaming at the most killer teachers i ever see, Well.. I can't complain that. Literally i just cleaning up class like biology teacher say, i supposed accompany rinko to circle, but it seems must holded by stupid cleaning class and homework.


Few minutes later


Now class is done cleaned and shine bright. And now... Last thing i must to do is homework. Great, now my greatest enemy is bunch of homework now.. Seems i must tell rinko, i can't accompany her.

"Y-Y/N, are you here??" Huh?? Rinko is still here, i though she going circle first.

"R-rinko what are you doing here, you supposed Rehearsals with roselia today??" I started

"W-well, H-hikawa-san got sick and Minato-san have a remedial for math exam" Minato-san needs to retake the math test, as i heard Yukina usually gets bad grades at maths.

"aaah well, but too bad maybe i will stay in school. so... you can go home first" i ask her to go home first. i don't wanna get her trouble, cause homework i got from stupid bald teacher.

But not too long after i sat back on to my table, rinko suddenly sat beside me, leaving me speechless. I don't know what to say, why was she sitting next to me ??? Does she waiting for me??. I can't do that, it will troublesome to me.

"ummm, rinko why you sit beside me???" i ask her, to make sure why she sit besude me. "M-maybe i can help you doing your homework. S-so we can go home together Y/N"

wait... is that mean, only me and rinko left in this class???? TWO OF US!!!??? oh god.. oh god.. oh god.. am i dreaming!!! please this is not a dream right?? i-it's been while we not doing homework together like this, like 4 years ago i guess.

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