Book Reviews

118 7 21

Cover Credit: @were2young2bethissad

The following book's I am about to review are not reviewed by a professional writer. I'm an advanced junior in high school so if you are well above that level I request you not to expect anything too perfect, such as a college review. These are my cringe-worthy but truthful opinions on your book. I am not a very easy person to please. I am a perfectionist so please don't get offended by your review if you don't like it. I will be totally honest; in the most respectful way that I can.
If you are interested in getting your very own book review just comment this form under here:

Title of the book you want read:

Genre(s): (Fanfiction, Teen Fiction, Romance, Humor, etc.)

Your username and wattpad name:

Chapters you want me to read: (I will only read up to five but if I like your book I wont hesitate to read further. I vote for every chapter you've requested for me to read.)

Total reads your story has:

~What you will be judged on~



-Punctuation, Grammar, Structure

I will also include the following:

An overall Rate,

If I recommend the story,

An actual book review with my opinion,

And Some tips and corrections,.

Okay before you proceed, I want you all to know that no matter who tells you that you are not capable of writing or anything really, you in fact are capable. You are more capable than you take yourself for. All of your work is an absolute master piece and don't let my silly little opinion, or anybody's really, put you down. I love you all and you will improve. We all do. Even the most popular, published author can improve by a lot. Thank you for trying. We are only human and we make more mistakes than Brittany Spears does in a lifetime. (comment Brittany Betch (not Bitch, but Betch) if you love Britt bc lets be honest here I think some of us do) I love you and if somebody hasn't told you today than here I am, telling it to your screen. I appreciate you and you're all so very talented and I love you all so much omg.


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