They go inside the Quirk Doctor office

Quirk Doctor: Ahh miss Inko you are here to find out little Izuku's quirk right?

Inko: Yes Doctor, I am here to look on my baby Izuku.

Quirk Doctor: Well then let's start shall we *Looks at Izuku* Come here Izuku I will be injecting you with the injection okay?

Izuku: Yes doctor I can handle a simple needle

Quirk Doctor: Wow what a brave boy, okay let's start now

The quirk doctor begins to inject Izuku/Yu Zhong and begins to do the testing to find his quirk. After doing all the tests.

Quirk Doctor: *Worried* Well ma'am it seems that he has a quirk but we couldn't find out what his quirk is.

Inko: *Worried* Oh okay doctor.

Both Inko and Izuku start to leave the quirk doctor's office and they began to drive back home.

Izuku: Mom can I still become a hero like All Might?

Inko: Yes Izuku you can still become a hero like All Might.

Lets time skip to when Izuku meets All Might


Izuku: *Starting to cry* T-thank y-you A-a-all M-m-might

Everything happens as canon. Deku getting One for All. USJ, Sports Festival, Internship, Stain, The training camp incident, the fight between All Might and All for One, the License Exam,  the Work Studies, and the Overhaul raid. This happens before the betrayal.

It was just a normal day in UA... or that's what we thought. Recently class 1-A -Momo was given a fake recording and fake picture that our innocent broccoli boy was the traitor, while that was happening let's view on whats our pure and innocent broccoli boy is doing

Izuku: *Alarm clock rings as he is hitting the stop button from his phone* Aghh so loud *he proceeds to get up from his bed* well time to do my morning routines

He proceeds to do his daily routines like doing his workout routine, cooking and eating breakfast, and taking a bath he then proceeds to go to school, as he was going to school he was getting stares of hate, anger, and pity. Pity because of what's going to happen to him, Anger because of why they let a traitor in the school and Hate for being there in UA.

Meanwhile, with class 1-A -Momo they were planning on what to do to our innocent broccoli boy


Kirishima: So what are we going to do with him bakubro?

Bakuhoe: *Smirks* I say we beat the crap out of him and torture the living hell out of him *Smirking like the mad man he is*

Iida: So what's the plan Bakugou?

Bakuwhore: *Still smirking* Well here's the plan...

While they were discussing, our Innocent broccoli boy was about to open the door to the classroom he was suddenly hit in the head by what seems to be a hard rock hand of sorts.

Bakuwhore: Shitty hair good job on knocking him out.

Kirishima: Thanks bakubro.

Bakuwhore: Tape dispenser it's your turn, wrap that useless Deku.

Sero: on it man.

Sero began to tape Izuku to a chair.

Bakuwhore: Dunce face you know what to do.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2022 ⏰

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