'Is this fate?' I thought to myself,
'Were we fated to be good friends?'

I turned away a bit embarrassed.

I never stared at a man so intently before, how- how strange..

I took a sip of tea, I tasted the bittersweet yet smooth and energising flavour.
I quite enjoyed it.

I was just looking at other people scanning their lives and guessing their jobs as an entertainment, but every now and then, I tend to steal glances at the sleeping beauty behind me.

Suddenly a woman's voice boomed through the room.

"The Boarding for Flight 143637L London to Paris is boarding now. I repeat, the boarding of Flight 143637L London to Paris is boarding now."

John carried the suitcases of Mary and his alongside Mary while I was listening to music on musify.

The flight attendant with a slight rosiness on her cheek accepted the ticket, tore it and gave it to me.

I gave her a smile and walked away.

I looked at the ticket and looked at John's and Mary's.




I looked at mine and smiled, I don't have to be a third wheel anymore.

I had 1C

I walked to where my seat was and was stunned for a moment..

There was no-one there.

I sat down, and hurray! I got the window seat.

I rested my head on to the seat but before long a flight attendant walked up to me, smiled and asked if I needed anything.

I replied

"Do you have lollipops?"

The young woman was a bit confused of what I meant but she still gave me a noise of assent.

She went back, I picked up a book which was on the side and started reading it. I heard rustling beside me and looked over, I saw a man taking a newspaper and read it quietly sitting beside me.

I couldn't see his face but his clothes were familiar to me, brown suit,
a darker brown vest, white shirt and a red necktie.

Wait..is he that man?

But his aura is so serious..

I think he felt my eyes on him because in the next moment, he looked at me.

I froze, he froze, we both froze.

It was him.

William's POV

He was that man from the car, I think he recognises me.

Well, let's greet eachother politely now shall we?

But...he has a strange aura around him..like it's drawing me closer to him..

Before I realised it. I was staring,
So so intently at a man.

I curled my eyes and smiled, then I said.

W: "Hello, nice to meet you. I'm William, William James Moriarty."

S: "..Ah! My apologies, the pleasure is mine Mr. Moriarty. I'm Sherlock, Sherlock Holmes."

W: "Ah I see..What brings you to Paris, Mr. Holmes?"

S: "Nothing much, I was invited to the aerial royal ball."

W: "I see, you are going there for the ball too."

S: "Too? Are you also going to the ball?"

W: "Yes I am Mr. Holmes."

S: "How nice, I'm sure we can be great friends."

We were talking with eachother and it seems he understands me very well, it makes me have a fuzzy feeling in my heart.

I think he can be a great addition to my plan, he can trigger the ending sequence perfectly.

I enjoy speaking to him and it seems he does too.

I feel like all the sins present in my hands are all cleansed..I want to enjoy this longer..

"Y'know with your intelligence I would actually think you were the culprit to my latest case!"

Well that caught me offguard.

But I still was calm I suppose, I then asked.

"Well then if you are accusing me, isn't it your job to prove it?"


"But still yet, I'm not sure if it satisfies you but.."

I then put one hand behind my arm rest and turned to Mr. Holmes and said.

"Catch me if you can, Mr. Holmes."

I saw shock and joyness erupting from Mr. Holme's face, he seemed to be admiring it because his eyes were sparking and his face was red.

A little fan-service won't be that painful.

Suddenly a woman's scream echoed through the room.

It seems like everyone heard it because everyone had a concerned or a shocked expression on their face.

Mr. Holmes looked cool and calm, as if he didn't hear a woman's distress screaming.

Louis woke up from his sleep beside me and came with me and Mr. Holmes to investigate.

It seems the murder was in one of the private cabinets.

The first suspect was someone named 'John Watson'.

He had blood on his shirt and it seems it was the victims blood.

Mr. Holmes suddenly pulled out a badge and spoke,

"Give me and Liam 2 hours, the flight will land by then am I right?"

I heard Louis get triggered at the word 'Liam' it seems, because I heard him mumble.

" 'Liam?' How familiar."

In an irritating tone.

Soon Mr. Holmes patted my shoulder and it was a sign that showed we should begin the

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