Chapter 26-30

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Chapter 26 - Chicken

After shopping, Zhong Ziqi and two went to Uncle Huang’s house. Huang Ama opened the door and saw that they were both happy and worried.

“Ah Huang, Uncle Huang” Zhong Ziqi said hello calmly, as if nothing happened.

“Brother Qi…” Huang Ama looked at him hesitantly.

Zhong Ziqi knew that things could not be hidden from them: “Have you heard about me?”

“I know it all.” Uncle Huang sighed, and the whole wharf was dressed up and down. Most of them were gloating and a few were sorry.

“Brother Qi, this Changshun restaurant is not easy to provoke, but there is the county grandfather behind it. We flat-headed people can’t afford to provoke it, no-let’s sell it.” Huang Ama said worriedly.

Zhong Ziqi felt warm in her heart and knew that the old couple was really good for him. The old couple had a son throughout their lives. They were conscripted the year before, and now it’s almost three years. They will write letters back in the first two years, but this year they have also confiscated one of them. When I arrived, the old couple was anxious, but there was no way. The appearance of Zhong Ziqi just diverted the attention of the two. The four vigorous and childish figures gave them spiritual sustenance and full of liking, yes. The son’s worries have also been diluted a lot.

“Ah, uncle, don’t worry, I have already sold the recipe.” Zhong Ziqi said plainly, but surprised the people who listened.

“Sold it? Who did you sell it to?” Huang Amae and Uncle Huang were stunned.

“Sold it to Jinhua Restaurant.”

“Jinhua…this…Qi brother, although Jinhua is good, but what if Changshun comes to trouble?” Uncle Huang frowned and asked.

Zhong Ziqi smiled beautifully: “Jinhua promised to help me make things smooth, so please put your heart in your stomach now.”

“Hey…this feeling is good.” Huang Ama immediately disappeared from the sadness on his face. Jinhua Restaurant has a great position in their hearts. Just because Jinhua has been in business for so many years, no one dares to ask for trouble. It can be seen in general.

“Alright, Brother Qi has any plans in the future?” Uncle Huang asked.

“I haven’t figured it out yet.” Zhong Ziqi answered honestly: “I’m here to tell you that I will not rent the cart for the time being. I will decide what to do after I think about it.”

“Okay, then you-come over and have a look when you have nothing to do.” Huang Ama said reluctantly. There seems to be only such a little bond between them.

“I will, I won’t forget the help of Uncle Huang and Ama Huang.” This is the only person who is unfamiliar with each other but is willing to help him. He will not be ungrateful.

He came out of Huang A’ma’s house and took away the miscellaneous things that belonged to him. He was obviously very heavy on his back, but Zhong Ziqi actually felt a lot more relaxed. It was a relaxation of mind. The spirit was tense for more than half a month. Now it is considered to be a lot of relief. You can take a break.

“This husband will buy some chickens!” Zhong Ziqi’s chaotic mood was called back to his senses. It turned out that he happened to be here to sell chickens, ducks and geese. There are living and dead, big ones and small chicks just broken, fluffy and chirping super cute.

Zhao Zhengan was already squatting there and watching with gusto, occasionally stretched out his hand to frighten away a large area, making him giggle.

[BL] Accompany by A Fool to do Farming Author: 锦绣云燃Where stories live. Discover now