Chapter 1

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It was the day of my birthday.

Well, technically, it was the day of OUR birthday. And to be more precise, it was the night before my birthday. I have a twin brother whose name is jerk. Okay, I'm kidding, his name is Myko (pronounced as Mikko). And it's a tradition that we celebrate our birthday at exactly 12 midnight, exactly on the day of our birthday.

My name is Samantha Jung. Let it sink in and keep that in mind.

Now, Let me tell you this. Imagine as if you're already reading halfway of my stupid story. Imagine as if you knew me like I'm some celebrity from a tv show. Now, that you've done it, let's go back to our lame birthday party.

I'm already turning 20. And we still have this studip lame celebration. Okay, maybe it's not that lame. It's kinda cool if you ask our visitors. We have a eat-all-you-can buffet. A chocolate fountain on the corner, and a table of different varieties of dessert. The party took place at our very own five star hotel. And most of all, a famous boy band playing right on stage including my twin jerkly brother playing with them.

That's right, a hotel and a famous twin brother. Well, not to brag or anything but we're rich. It's like any 16 year old girl ever wanted... especially the fact that you're always free to see that famous band and meet them in person without spending any money.

Well, on my side...I don't like this nor love it. Being the twin sister of one of the members of the band, uh, you can say that I'm kind of famous. But famous not in a way that the paparazzi goes with you wherever you go and watches your every move. I'm famous in a way that people wants to be friends with me and use me for them to meet my brother and the band. And of course, I'm not that gulible.

"Good evening, dear guests and visitors. The party will start in about a minute. And we'll countdown to start the party. Thank you." Aunt Meg said as I saw the visitors sat on their respective tables. They do this all the time. It's as if it's new year for us to countdown.

I'm wearing a simple, blue cocktail dress that have glitters on the skirt. I'm more like a debutant in this situation. And for Myko's case. Well, he looks cool. He's just wearing a black tuxedo. Nothing interesting really. He's there stading on the stage playing the guitar with his alien friends. While, the girls on the table squirms and squeals as if there's no tomorrow. Great. .

"Samantha, darling, can you please go roam around and welcome our visitors? It's better if they can see the celebrant. Why can't you be like your brother?" Aunt Meg said when she saw me sitting in the corner.

"Aunt Meg, we're twins, but it doesn't mean that we're exactly alike. But don't worry, I'll welcome the visitors for you. Besides, I'm waiting for Chris." I smiled at Aunt Meg to assure her that everything will be fine.

"Okay, dear. Call me if you need anything, okay?" I just nodded.

I got up and went to every table and welcomed them. And I went towards the entrance. Both welcoming the guests and also looking for Chris.

Chris Ackerman is my boyfriend. It's already been 2 years since we've been together. Well, actually, it's our 2nd anniversary tonight, exactly on the day of my birthday.

You can say that he's perfect. Well, perfect in a way that he's smart, athletic, uh, rich, all the positive personalities and attitudes. He's kind of a jock. There are a lot of girls dying just to be noticed by Chris. I don't even know what he sees in me. Is it because of a bet? Or maybe he's just using me for his sister to meet the band? Or maybe because of money? I don't know. All he told me was that he liked me since then. And a lot more comlicated stuffs that I don't understand. I don't even remember a single thing about it. But I love that guy so much...

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